Sunday, May 05, 2019

Affirmative Action and Gay Pride Nights: Whatever Happened to Baseball, Hot Dogs, Family Fun and Crackerjack?

By "W"
Sun, May 5, 2019 6:41 p.m.

Angel Hernandez

Read your comments about Hernandez at your blog after the Nats and Mets games were over this afternoon.
After the Nats vs Phillies game was over c. 11 p.m. Saturday, I switched over to see if the Mets were still playing. Caught up with them at the top of the 10th and hung on through that awful 18th inning. It really is a massive scandal that Hernandez and C.B. Bucknor are still umpiring. That disastrous bottom of the 18th with the 3 walks by Flexner (sp?) could have a long-time negative impact on not just his confidence, but his entire career. A lot of guys get only one chance at the majors and a setback or two may be the only opportunity they will ever have.
The AA and overly long career umpires, like Joe West, along with the annual Gay Pride festivities have taken baseball so far away from the family fun of hot dogs and crackerjack….
Speaking of AA, that Dave Martinez is still managing the Nats is another scandal. He can't manage his pitching staff. In Saturday's game he took out Hellickson in the 5th with only a man on and H had 9 strikeouts and a 2-1 lead. Relievers promptly gave up 7 runs over a couple of innings, even if, thanks to Phils errors, the Nats finally won 10-8. In todays contest, they were losing just 2-1  w/ 2 outs in the 5th. The Nats starter, Anibal Sanchez, had 9 strikeouts. Overworked reliever Matt Grace got the last out in the 5th and then gave up 5 runs in the 6th and 7th . They fired their pitching coach on Thursday night (after they actually won). But DM has been an embarrassment. Owners and GM should be haunted by their bad decisions.

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