Monday, April 29, 2019

Italy's controversial 'boot camp' integration school for refugees At mayor-founded academy, uniformed migrants repeatedly say thank you, do free community work and sing national anthem.

By R.C.
Mon, Apr 29, 2019 10:17 p.m.

Italy's controversial 'boot camp' integration school for refugees At mayor-founded academy, uniformed migrants repeatedly say thank you, do free community work and sing national anthem.


  1. jerry pdx
    All men of course, so why do they even want to integrate all these men in Italian society? It only encourages more of these men to come to Europe, and Africa will continue to send them by the millions...indefinitely, remember the population of Africa is exploding, the population of Nigeria alone will be nearly a billion people in 50 years. Black men in Africa have access to the internet and dream of going to Europe to get them some white wimmins, young black men are becoming Africa's number one export, unless the West takes steps to stop it.

  2. Don't help them! GET RID OF THEM!!

  3. Jerry,I've come to the conclusion,that the majority of the world's governments have agreed secretly to let Muslims and blacks take over the planet.
    I've also come to the conclusion,that individual white men,who are attacking various religious and racial groups the last couple years,are doing so out of frustration against this agreement to displace whites.It's happening individually because the movement to replace whites is just beginning in earnest and not obvious to many (or whites want to ignore the possibillity of having to fight to survive.)Groups that form to defend themselves also become detected by governments and labeled white supremacist.
    Remember the phrase,"Black Power"?That was and still is approved by media and politicians to say."White power?"--not so much.
    It will get to a certain point when the eyes of whites are opened and white people will have to decide what kind of city and country they want to live in.It may be as soon as the next post-election results.
    --GR Anonymous

  4. We here in the US have Africans because we refused to pick our own cotton. What's Europe's excuse? It saddens me to see it.

  5. This won't make them into Europeans or Italians, it won't stop the crime, chaos, and atomization they and their children will bring onto Italian society. This is simply the internalization of the left's beliefs on race. It's self-loathing. It's the sort of thing conservatives do to avoid confrontation on the issues of race. School programs and citizen tests aren't going to alter the fundamental reality of multi-racialism, the reality that it is death to the natives, their culture, and their freedoms. Conservatives know this, but they are cowards, and those at the top are crooks as well.
