“Not counting the crimes, crime is down.”
Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, April 06, 2019
Did a Long Island Public School Teacher Order a Child Not to Write a Project Calling President Trump Her Hero (While Permitting Kids to Write on Barack Obama), and Did the School District Superintendent then Lie about the Whole Affair?
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
This where we are at as a country now.
This 11-year-old girl named Bella was not allowed to have President Trump as her hero for a class assignment.pic.twitter.com/UGtrloJKn6
Public school teachers are more dangerous for America's future than immigrants--the majority of whom bring their socialist bias with them. It used to be that students were brainwashed to be leftists in college--where at least some were wise and strong enough to resist. But the education colleges brainwashed the future teachers and then these teachers started it in elementary school. Sending a child to public school to have their mind destroyed is child abuse. Not only are the student indoctrinated with socialism, many are also convinced they are homosexuals or transsexuals. If parents cannot afford a good private school they should try to home school.
Marx and Lenin however would be just OK. Or Al Sharpton maybe.
ReplyDeletePublic school teachers are more dangerous for America's future than immigrants--the majority of whom bring their socialist bias with them. It used to be that students were brainwashed to be leftists in college--where at least some were wise and strong enough to resist. But the education colleges brainwashed the future teachers and then these teachers started it in elementary school. Sending a child to public school to have their mind destroyed is child abuse. Not only are the student indoctrinated with socialism, many are also convinced they are homosexuals or transsexuals. If parents cannot afford a good private school they should try to home school.