Friday, April 05, 2019

Another Tucker Carlson Video: Immigration 2020

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix


  1. You don't lose your culture when you assimilate. You gain another culture. Anyway, when you are in an immigrant in America, you have made a voluntary decision to come here and live among Americans.

  2. WE are assimilating with THEM!!!WE are the ones,on phone calls,who have to choose option 1 (English),or it will continue in Spanish.
    WE are the ones who have to put up with Mexican crime--which is totally different than white crime(much more violent and drug related).
    THEY are the ones who soak the system,first by coming in illegally,getting free lawyers,housing etc--while WE pay for it.
    Finally,how many illegal/legal Mexicans do you see get slaughtered by whites?
    I count it on one finger--the same finger I push in the air to all invaders,trying to take over the
    country formerly known as the United States,these last 25 years.
    They're not assimilating--THEY are accumulating--free rent,free food and the opportunity to kill white Americans.
    The Mex(Guats,El Salves etc) I see are lazy and crooked,not hard working contributors.
    Keep them out,Trump.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. O/T

    Sorry for the late heads-up. ABC 20/20 tonight (Friday) is rerunning the Lady in a Suitcase episode from around eight years ago at 9 pm ET. A good, true procedural story.
