Sunday, March 24, 2019

What were the Worst Cases of Media Malpractice over the Past 40-Odd Years?

By Nicholas Stix
Updated on Sunday, March 24, 2019, 11:24 p.m.

Jesse Kelly‏ @JesseKellyDC 17h17 hours ago

Trying to rank the worst cases of media malpractice in my life. Feel like I’m forgetting a big one. 1. Burning down Ferguson 2. Russian Collusion Hoax 3. Parkland gun grab 4. Covington kids 5. ????

N.S.: The Tawana Brawley Hoax
The Duke Rape Hoax
Me-Too Hoax
Reverse Reporting on Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans
Promoting Broken Windows Policing's Fakestats
The Jussie Smollett Hoax
The Trayvon Martin Hoax
UVA Rape Hoax
J. Edgar Hoover as Cross-Dresser
Refusing to vet "Obama"....

Racial profiling myth
Mass incarceration hoax
The Richard Jewell Case
The Steven J. Hatfill case

Postscript, from Twitter bud Douglas Mercer: The Matthew Shepard Hoax


  1. Treyvon Martin/George Zimmerman I rate as number one. Got the whole media stuff going full time since 2013 or so. They have not stopped since. Only gets worse.

  2. Every night on the national newscasts,on ABC,CBS and especially NBC,there's continued malpractice on every type of story.Pro black/Mex and anti-white.Do blacks even watch these shows?I have my doubts.
    Meanwhile,add AT&T to my sh*tlist,with their "hilarious" portrayal of a white color commentator,acting is if he doesn't have a brain cell in his head.
    I've viewed this ad on the NCAA
    tourney coverage (I've got brackets,lol).
    First,there's a black play by play man,forced to work with an idiot white,ex-ballplayer--as they broadcast an NCAA game.
    White guy:"Green is a very lucky color,and yellow is..."
    Black guy:"Just because you're called a color commentator doesn't mean you analyze COLORS."
    Another ad has the black genius asking what it was like when the white guy played.
    "I'm a married man,I can't tell you about those things,"he explains nervously.
    More stupidity follows.
    Of course,the black is never the dumbass anymore on any ad.The black,au contraire, always has to tolerate stupid white behavior,They(producers of commercials) attempt to make whites,by comparison,look like Eb on "Green Acres" was Einstein.
    Boycott AT&T if possible.
    --GR Anonymous


  3. jerry pdx
    I spotted this article by Eliza Shapiro in the NY Times:
    It appears Suyvesant High School is once again coming under public pressure to change it's admittance policies to be more "affirmative action". At present, enrollment is based solely on performance on the three-hour Specialized High Schools Admissions Test but now the test is being called "biased toward blacks & hispanics". Not surprisingly, Mayor De Blasio is getting in on the virtue signalling. The following is an excerpt from Wiki:

    For most of the 20th century, the student body at Stuyvesant was heavily Jewish. A significant influx of Asian students began in the 1970s; by 2019, 74% of the students in attendance were Asian-American (most from families making low incomes).[67] In the 2013 academic year, the student body was 72.43% Asian, 21.44% Caucasian, 1.03% African American, 2.34% Hispanic, and 3% unknown/other.[4] The paucity of Black and Hispanic students at Stuyvesant has often been an issue for some city administrators. In 1971, Mayor John Lindsay argued that the test was culturally biased against black and Hispanic students and sought to implement an affirmative action program.[27] However, protests by parents forced the plan to be scrapped and led to the passage of the Hecht-Calandra Act, which preserved admissions by examination only.[68] A small number of students judged to be economically disadvantaged and who come within a few points of the cut-off score were given an extra chance to pass the test.[69]

    Community activist group ACORN published two reports in 1996, titled Secret Apartheid and Secret Apartheid II. In these reports, ACORN called the SHSAT "permanently suspect" and described it as a "product of an institutional racism", saying that black and Hispanic students did not have access to proper test preparation materials.[66] Along with Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew, they began an initiative for more diversity in the city's gifted and specialized schools, in particular demanding the SHSAT be suspended altogether until the Board of Education was able to show all children have had access to appropriate materials to prepare themselves. Students published several editorials in response to ACORN's claims, stating the admissions system at the school was based on student merit, not race.[24][70]

    Interesting that so many of the students are of asian descent (many of whom would share the same genes as hispanics) but that is not mentioned in either of Shapiro's articles. Below is a followup article run in the NY times a few days later by the same author, Shapiro, as a followup story:

    Check out the photos of the kids "of color" and the expressions on their faces. They all have the same "look". I'm imagining one of those 70's sleaze photographers saying: OK baby, now give me the "LOOK" know, the "LOOK"...
    The "look" is the "martyr look', the one where you thrusts out your chin and try to look defiant and knowing all at the same time. It's a look that broadcasts a brotherhood message to your fellow racists and makes white liberals collapse into little puddles of quivering fear and guilt.
    It's especially prevalent among the American negro, all of whom have it mastered by the time they are 6 yrs. old.

    They haven't been able to get Suyvesant to budge on it's admissions policy in the past but something tells me it's different now and the school is going to have to compromise.
