Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Ratings: ABC's Marcia Clark Series, "The Fix" Slips from Already Low Series Premiere

By David in TN
Tue, Mar 26, 2019 5:13 p.m.
Ratings: ABC's "The Fix" Slips from Already Low Series Premiere


Several years ago I observed that Marcia Clark is a prime example of someone "Failing Upward." I didn't know she hadn't even begun.

Her ABC TV series is tanking in the ratings. I saw the first two episodes. The term "Camp" comes from the 60's, meaning something that is so "bad it's good." The 60's TV show Batman was said to fit this description. Clark's The Fix makes the Batman TV show look like Anatomy of a Murder.


  1. "Holy bad prosecuting,Batman".
    "Correct,old chum."

  2. OJ Simpson has guaranteed Marcia a lifetime income.

  3. jerry pdx
    Marcia Clark, like Mark Fuhrman has devoted her career to convince the world she is "not a racist". After the OJ circus they are both desperately trying to appease racist blacks and liberal whites. Check out the Fuhrman tapes: https://nation.foxnews.com/watch/231efbbfa72fbf7009a4c3b6b980ba96/?cmpid=org=NAT::ag=owned::mc=FNC_display::src=FNC_web::cmp=video_driver::add=watch_platform_vd_creative
    Today's Fox feature has him explaining why the "white" BTK serial killer operated for 30 years without being caught but you won't find Fuhrman studying black serial killer Samuel Little and asking why he was allowed to operate for over 40 years murdering what could be 100's of women. Fuhrman will only report on white serial killers, never black ones, guaranteed. His pathetic virtue signalling campaign shows what a pathetic weasel he is.

  4. Too bad that Fuhrman became so PC.I see him occasionally on the Ingraham show,and I can't tell,from the one minute he gets then,whether he's buckled to black groups or not.He USED to give a fairky honest opinion on black crime,but I don't watch FOX as much as I used to--too many black guests on it for my taste.

  5. Marcia Clark's ABC series "The Fix" has been canceled after one season due to low ratings. The final episode was tonight. The "twist" ending could be seen coming from the proverbial mile away. It was as bad a TV show as ever existed: It didn't work as even Low Camp.

    Let's see what kind of gig Marcia Clark gets next.
