Saturday, March 23, 2019

Passed Ball: Brit Hume on John McCain and Donald Trump

By Nicholas Stix

Brit Hume @brithume 15h15 hours ago

President Trump’s attacks on the late John McCain mark the first time in memory where a President has picked a fight with a dead man and lost. McCain was no saint, but he was a brave and patriotic man. Hitting him when he can’t hit back is repellent.

N.S.: With all due respect, Mr. Hume, you're 100% wrong. #JohnMcCain was an evil man, was a crook, was certainly guilty of sedition, and may well have been a traitor. For most of his political life, he got a free ride from the #MSM, through sucking up to them, and being of use. (They betrayed him in 2008.) His daughter has been viciously attacking @POTUS. Why should the dead or the living McCain get a free ride?


  1. Couldn't agree more. I respect him for serving. Everything he did after that is bad. From Keating Five, to taking part in an attempted coup.

    If this was France, we would exhume him to try his corpse.

  2. Exactly,correct about the daughter substituting as an advocate for McCain.She has the benefit of the lib media,giving her as much air time as she wants,to counter what Trump believes.
    More insidious attempts to slap down free speech.Trump has a perfect right to think the way he does,but because McCain flipped over to the globalists' side,he gets immunity from attack--in MSM's biased eyes.
    Meanwhile,I often post companies to boycott--because of racist ads.Here are two that were on the Weather Channel,with ALL white casts--and should be rewarded with our business:Paradontex,S.Pellegrinos.
    Very rare to see commercials with the courage to omit blacks in ads with large casts,Pellegrinos especially impressive,with the usual dinner scene at a restaurant and 6 people eating and drinking.They showed close-ups and not one was black.Kudos.But its so strange to see a commercial without blacks clumsily added to a group unnecessarily,that I actually had to post this and give them credit.
    The sanity lasted those two ads only,as State Farm followed with an ad that showed an accident--and a black driver and white passenger getting out of their car(they're buddies,like all blacks and whites are on TV.I NEVER see it in real life though,unless a black guy has corrupted a white woman with drugs).
    Anyways,a tip of the hat to those two companies.
    --GR Anonymous
