Saturday, March 30, 2019

Just Another Baltimore Mall Riot with 300 Fellas, Three Clueless Reporters and Lots and Lots of Violence

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Sat, Mar 30, 2019 6:40 p.m.

Just another Baltimore mall riot with 300 fellas, three clueless reporters and lots and lots of violence.

From: Colin Flaherty <>
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2019 4:19 PM
Subject: Just another Baltimore mall riot with 300 fellas, three clueless reporters and lots and lots of violence.
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What did you do last night?

I was at a fire pit, smoking cigars with my crew. 

Down in Baltimore, 300 fellas and their lovely ladies had a riot, complete with violence, property destruction, and robberies. All at a mall where this happened before.


Reporters just had a hard time getting their mind around what was going on. Check it out here. And make sure you stick around for the part where city officials are planning for a new BLACK entertainment district there.

It's always something.

Colin Flaherty
Author, Don't Make the Black Kids Angry.
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p.s. Don't forget your mug and Tees:. New stuff there all the time!  Just click here. Here's a new design for our cups and tees and hoodies. let me know what you think when you click the pic....



1 comment:

  1. Many malls gone or going because of negro violence. The food court a favorite place to riot. Lots of chairs to thrown around.
