Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Today's Segregationists: Investigative Journalist Ami Horowitz Interviewed Cambridge University Students about Their Support for Segregating Colored People from Whites on Campus

By R.C.
Wed, Mar 20, 2019 9:04 p.m.

Investigative journalist Ami Horowitz interviewed Cambridge University students about their support for segregating people of color from whites on campus.

Video: Proof Modern Liberals Have Aligned With The KKK

Radical white supremacists and the average Democrat voter both support racial segregation


  1. Groups voluntarily segregate themselves. Always have, always will.

  2. jerry pdx
    I'm all for it! Yes, segregate white and black students on campus, the two groups have their own classes, dorms & recreational facilities. It would be expensive of course but I'd be willing to pay more for it. Except it is not true segregation, I know what they really want. They want reserved area for just blacks, and other brown groups they may allow in, but they also want the freedom to enter white areas any time they please. That way the black men can still get white wimmins but those white boys can't have access to "their" females. So they get segregated spaces away from whites (but are not racists) but whites can't really have segregated spaces away from them. That's the deal.
