Saturday, February 23, 2019

See This Super-Secret Videotape of the Rehearsal for the Jussie Smollett Hoax!


  1. Life imitates art. Jussie probably too stupid to have planned the whole thing by himself.

  2. I could see Eddie Murphy(as Smollett) doing that kind of video(in the old days).Now that I think about it,Murphy used to do a great Bill Cosby impression,so Cosby in prison would be hilarious("Hey,felonious black roommate,are you going to eat your Jello Pudding?")
    Or,Cosby doing prison standup:"My wife is divorcing me,that means I need money to pay my lawyers.So to cut to the chase,Fat Alberts ass is for sale."
    "The difference between living with a black woman on the outside and the female guards on the inside is,in here--I can ask for sex and get it."
    "You can tell how crappy my sex life was at home when you see that I wanted sex from Andrea Costand.I think I was the one who got drugged that day.I still don't believe I went for a Colin Kaepernick lookalike."
    Maybe a Bill Cosby/Eddie Murphy"Live from Folsom Prison or San Quentin" album is in the works.Or not.
    --GR Anonymous
