Thursday, February 21, 2019

Jussie Smollett under Arrest; What Kind of Trial Does His New Lawyer, PR Expert Mark Geragos, Plan?

By David in TN
Thu, Feb 21, 2019 3:05 p.m.

Smollett under arrest; what kind of trial does his new lawyer, PR expert Mark Geragos, plan?

Actor James Woods tweeted ( "Watching this sniveling bitch would ordinarily be a hoot. What makes it tragic, however, is that this worthless dump of dogshit would have been just fine with any two innocent white people being arrested and imprisoned for his hoax."

Will the defense make it another Chicago 7?


  1. I'll predict Geragos will plea bargain down to a misdemeanor.Would be surprised if this goes to court.Otherwise,if the noose fits,you must convict.

  2. Plea bargain for much reduced sentence and fine. Restitution too. Jussie too will have to pay big time for the cost of the investigation. All that hard earned money of Jussie gone soon. And should be.
