Thursday, February 21, 2019

Gettin’ Paid: Jackson Family Values, Part III

By Nicholas Stix
November 15, 2000
Toogood Reports

[Part I: Jesse Jackson on How to Steal a Presidential Election, and Live Happily Ever After; and Part II: “Whose Rights? Our Rights!”]

Of late, the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s star had apparently fallen. The man who for so long had enjoyed, unchallenged, the unofficial title of the nation’s leading racist and anti-Semite, er, I mean, “civil rights leader,” had been snubbed by some white journalists, who bestowed that honor on now the Rev. Al Sharpton, now Min. Louis Farrakhan.

Previously, the Rev. Jackson’s greatest successes in nullifying due process had come at the expense of the Decatur, Illinois School Board last year, and Texaco Oil in 1996. In 1996, Jackson was able to subvert justice, in the case of a group of black employees’ baseless racial discrimination lawsuit against Texaco. His method: To keep repeating publicly, with the help of the mainstream news media, the lie, according to which a white Texaco executive had made racist remarks, including the “n” word, during a private conversation with a white peer. The peer had tried to make himself look good, by secretly recording the conversation, and leaking it to the media. We heard the “bad” executive talk about the “black jellybeans” stuck at the bottom of the bag, which we were told was racist talk, and were told by Jackson & Co.—though we never heard it on the tape—that the “bad” executive had said the “n” word. Only the “bad” executive had never uttered the “n” word. Rather, for lack of any “incriminating” statement, Jackson and his minions insisted that a garbled transmission of part of the executive’s conversation was the magic word.

That would be the word that American blacks utter hundreds of millions of times a day, usage which the media and government are deaf to, as they are deaf to blacks’ routine use of racist epithets against whites. That is the same word which whites have long stopped saying publicly, and in many areas, even privately, yet which blacks—with the help of the media and the government—now increasingly charge whites with having said. In the Texaco executive’s other supposedly racist statement, he merely quoted a dopey analogy [about “black jelly bans”] which had been made by a black “diversity consultant” hired by Texaco. No matter. Texaco’s executives caved in, like a cheap suitcase. Not only did the Rev. Jackson not apologize, let alone pay for his slanderous charges, but the truth had no effect whatsoever on his demeanor or tactics. He demanded payoffs to Texaco’s black employees, and he got ‘em—$176 million, to be exact. Likewise, he demanded promotions for Texaco’s black employees, and he got them, too. As for the “jelly beans,” that’s the way “diversity consultants” talk. For a few million dollars a year each, these rabid racists go to corporations, universities, and public schools and agencies, and race-bait white personnel, lie shamelessly about American society and history, and encourage black personnel and students to engage openly in racist acts against white colleagues and superiors, and classmates and professors. These guys make O.J. look like a real gent.

(In 1993, Heather MacDonald wrote a classic expose on diversity consultants in The New Republic, and Alan Kors and Harvey Silverglate devote a good deal of their 1998 book, The Shadow University, to them. Kors and Silverglate have since founded an organization, “FIRE,” to combat attacks on civil liberties. FIRE’s website,, contains an extensive exposĂ© on diversity consultants.)

In many such cases today, Texaco and other corporations don’t hire qualified black staffers and executives in spite of their color, and then systematically discriminate against them in promotions. Rather, the corporations discriminate on behalf of blacks, in hiring and later promoting them exclusively due to their skin color, in spite of their inadequacies. Anyone with a lick of sense could have told Texaco’s chiefs, that in hiring a diversity consultant -- whose only job is to get rich through racial extortion, while causing further racial strife -- and hiring people because they were black, they might as well have made a budget line for the money they were going to lose through litigation, extortion, and loss of business due to racist black customer boycotts.

It’s hard to feel any compassion for Texaco’s craven executives. I’m not enough of a moral philosopher to tell you who is worse: The racist, or the coward who appeases him.

Then, in 1999, came Decatur.

When six students rioted at a high school football game in Decatur, Illinois, they were all expelled from school for two years, as per the school’s “zero-tolerance” policy.

The offenders had all been caught on videotape, stomping the hell out of other students in the stands. The thugs in question were all black. Camping out for weeks in Decatur, and even getting himself arrested for trespassing, when he sought to illegally enter the school building, Jesse Jackson demanded that the suspensions be lifted. Decatur, 1999, was not Birmingham, 1963.

Like the dissolute “trust-fund kid” who blows on drugs and debauchery the inheritance that his hard-working grandfather had bequeathed him, the “civil rights movement” squandered all the moral capital that its founders had so carefully accumulated.

Instead of saving men on death row – the Scottsboro Boys – who had been framed for a non-existent “rape,” or defending the right of a black lady –
in the person of Rosa Parks – to sit anywhere she chose on a bus, “civil rights” deteriorated into extortion (Texaco, Denny’s, etc.), defending the rights of violent punks to riot (Decatur), and finally, standing tall for the right of a convicted murderer, who bragged of the victims whose lives he had snuffed out, to kill (Gary Graham, in Texas).

After intervention by Illinois’ Republican Gov. George Ryan, Decatur school authorities reduced the expulsions to one year. Jackson’s response was to demand that the expulsions be nullified, all the while denying, with a straight face, that the issue was racial.

And the suspensions WERE nullified: The guilty parties were permitted to attend an alternative school during the year they were to be “expelled.”

But still Jackson wouldn’t take “yes” for an answer. He wanted the thugs to be permitted to return to their old school after getting mere “C”s and ostensibly engaging in good behavior at the alternative school for a couple of months.

There was something mean and cheap about Decatur. But at least, with the media’s (and those evil Republicans’) cooperation, the Rev. Jackson was once again able to hog the national spotlight, and nullify due process. But he needed something big, in order to regain his lost stature.

Looking at Florida, Jackson apparently decided that this was his last, best hope. He would steal a national election, and thereby reassert his status as the proper heir to MLK. After all, when blacks openly, repeatedly violate federal election law, they are given a free pass. Which brings us, in my next column, to Chicago Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.

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