Sunday, February 24, 2019

After refusing to disavow how their friends treated the Covington Catholic kids, the Black Hebrew Israelites in Los Angeles said white people need to prepare their butts for slaughter.

Sun, Feb 24, 2019 11:22 p.m.

After refusing to disavow how their friends treated the Covington Catholic kids, the Black Hebrew Israelites in Los Angeles said white people need to prepare their butts for slaughter.


  1. Great single--murderous,influential group.More and more blacks will follow the groups that espouse genocide.More blacks will boldly call for murdering "old white men" first, as they gain more political power and perceive that the media (who has many whites employed)will a)not report it or b)report it but not rebuke such beliefs.
    The Oscahs tonight showed that blacks are getting bolder in their racism.White celebs twiddle their thumbs as blacks become more demanding and outspoken.The blacks do not pretend to want to get along with whites--listen closely white people--they want whitey abolished (though most blacks probably are unable to spell,"abolished".)
    The socialist Dems will be only too happy to cooperate with such a plan.

  2. If Desmond does get every morning "slaving" for bread that is a rare phenomenon among his demographic.
