Saturday, December 08, 2018

Fake Study: U.S. Move to Restrict Immigrants’ [sic] Health Care Access Would Hit California’s Economy

By Reader-Researcher R.C.
Sat, Dec 8, 2018 10:38 p.m.

"A stethoscope and a pen are seen in a doctor's robe pocket in this file photo."

U.S. Move to Restrict Immigrants' Health Care Access Would Hit California's Economy: Study | KTLA

Rules that could give immigrants reason to avoid enrolling in health safety net programs would deliver a blow to California's economy, costing the state thousands of jobs and billions of dollars ...

N.S.: In English, “immigrants” means illegal aliens.

The “$2.8 billion in lost economic output” is money that illegal aliens “residing” in California would otherwise steal from law-abiding, taxpaying Americans in the 49 other states of the Union. And if all illegals in California (instead of only 35%, as the “study” asserts) were stopped from scamming such programs, it would mean at least $8 billion less that they’d be stealing from American taxpayers per year.

Note that the sort of reader this fake news story is geared towards is so stupid that the caption editor feels the necessity of explaining what a stethoscope and a pen are.


    (CNN) — Kevin Hart is stepping down from hosting the Oscars after homophobic tweets surfaced on Thursday.
    The tweets, between 2009 and 2011, included derogatory language referring to gay people and made disparaging comments about sexuality.
    In one of the tweets from 2011, among some that have been deleted, the comedian-actor said, "Yo if my son comes home & try's 2 play with my daughters doll house I'm going 2 break it over his head & say n my voice 'stop that's gay'."
    "I have made the choice to step down from hosting this year's Oscar's," Hart, who is currently performing in Sydney, Australia, announced late Sunday on Twitter. "This is because I do not want to be a distraction on a night that should be celebrated by so many amazing talented artists. I sincerely apologize to the LGBTQ community for my insensitive words from my past. I'm sorry that I hurt people... I am evolving and want to continue to do so. My goal is to bring people together not tear us apart. Much love & appreciation to the Academy. I hope we can meet again."

    GRA:When I heard Hart was making some anti-gay jokes (not funny ones at that)I almost was going to watch,but Oscah decided to boot him out.Kimmell is going to have to come back in blackface--or is that too
    There's always Chris Rock,Steve Harvey--or Al Roker as a fill-in blackie host.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. The lesson here is jokes about gays are taboo.Jokes about blacks are verboten.You CAN joke about Trump(and whites) 60 minutes of a one hour "comedy"show,with no boundaries.Incest,penis jokes,"F" words uttered are fine.
    Why Hart was forced to quit was surprising.I compare it to Al Franken being forced out-for very little--but having to take one for the team.
    Last night,Antenna TV's Carson "Tonight show"(1976),was a historical racial bleep and editfest.This was the one where Johnny discovered that Don Rickles had broken his cigarette holder.Carson goes to confront Rickles on the set of CPO Sharkey.Here's where it got interesting.
    I've seen this clip on YouTube uncut,but the version from last night took a completely different camera view,neglecting a)to show the black actor in the scene that Carson interrupts and b) the wordplay Carson used TO the black.
    Uncut:"Hey it's a black guy--hang him."
    "You know with Rickles track record,you better have something going on with that cotton farm down South,cuz this show ain't gonna last."
    The version last night was from a different camera angle and had none of the black/Carson encounter.(See Youtube for the clip).
    Then Richard Pryor came on.He was promoting "Silver Streak" and a clip was played of Pryor trying to show Gene Wilder how to act black.Wilder had black shoe polish applied and afterwards was shown how to pass for black.Pryor used the "N" word(bleeped) while talking about it.
    Carson asked,"What's your reaction from other blacks,who criticize your use of that word?
    Pryor:"I say,'nigger (bleeped)shut the (bleep)up."
    Quite a show to watch and a way to remember when free speech WAS free speech.If Pryor or Carson were around today,both would be out of work,banned by the liberal police.In fact,I believe this episode will eventually be destroyed by the commie historians--same as Confederate statues are being removed.

    --GR Anonymous

  3. Correct. Amount as taken from the system far in access to the amount of money as put into the system.
