Sunday, December 16, 2018

No Way, Waymo! Vigilantes in Arizona Have Slashed Tires, Thrown Rocks and Even Pointed Guns at Robot Cars

Sat, Dec 15, 2018 10:53 p.m.

Vigilante citizens in a town in Arizona have slashed tyres, thrown rocks and even pointed guns at self-driving vehicles being tested in their neighbourhood, an investigation has revealed.

The company recently launched the first ever commercial self-driving taxi service in nearby Phoenix, with the hope of a much broader roll out in the coming years.. A Waymo spokesperson said ...


  1. Mex:"Look,a driverless car,lets shoot out the window,kill the gringo and take that fu**in' theeng."
    Same in Chicago:
    "Love those new cars whitey gots now.Once it stops,we just blow out the window,get in and drive away."
    They better have bulletproof windows.
    Of course,blacks have been doing the driverless thing already,for years--it's called their white girlfriends.White GF always in the driver's seat carrying their broke black asses around.

  2. God bless them. Robot cars are an evil.
