Fri, Nov 9, 2018 11:24 p.m.
Subject: Arriving in Paris, Trump wastes no time assailing French President Macron
President Trump is shifting his postelection focus with a weekend trip to Paris, joining an international commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I. He wasted ... |
Not hard to insult Macron.
He's a target rich environment.
When Macron prevails against the Visegrad group, and all of Europe is inundated with Muslim migrants, Macron will be hailed as a hero of the new, harmonious, diverse, multicultural Europe — won't he? |
Trump is the best President of my lifetime--but he could be better--and we need him to be.
Macron is calling for a pan-European to prevent attack from a variety of nations to INCLUDE THE USA! The man is just stupid. And we are not even talking about foolish immigration policies.