Monday, October 29, 2018

The Continuing and Outrageous Saga of Racist Cop-Killer Wesley Cook (aka Mumia Abu-Jamal) Continues

-----Original Message-----
From: A.L.
To: add1dda <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 29, 2018 10:35 pm
Subject: The continuing and outrageous saga of Wesley Cook continues.

This is all about getting the villain a new trial. The bad guy will then plead guilty to lesser charges and be released for time served. No justice in this case as with so many others. As Nicholas has so often noted, life without parole does not mean life without parole. An open and shut case never is open and shut. In case some do not know the so-called Mumia his real name Wesley Cook. And if and when [we hope never] the murderer does get out, he will immediately begin a speaking tour and get paid $25,000 per speech or something like that. It is not so much the crime itself but what goes on afterwards that is the real crime.



  1. Actually the murder is practically on life support, as a resident of Philadelphia, cook almost a few years ago, he has the usual negro diseases high blood pressure, heart clogged with fat and cholesterol, his kidneys are on their last leg, he receives dialysis, all this on the taxpayers dime of course, if and only if he gets out he will be dead in a month

  2. We often say he has not long to live but perhaps those conditions as described are far less than what is true. His lawyers grossly exaggerate to get sympathy for the negro. I am thinking to of the one colored killer who was in solitary for forty-two years and then was released but "terminated this existence" the very next day after getting out.
