Monday, October 29, 2018

Just in Case You Forgot, Fox News’ Shepherd Smith Reminds You Who He Plans on Voting for

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Am I the only one who can recall a time, when news readers were at pains to hide their party loyalties from viewers?

Boy am I feeling old, these days. And here, I just celebrated my annual 21st birthday last spring.


  1. It already happened,a-hole.Get out of your lily white millionaire's home and go where a lot of whites live--around black and Mex.Shepard Smith is just as clueless as Hollywood.
    Today the drumbeat of "hate",hatespeech by Lesta droned on for a full 22 minutes.
    The summary of what the people(including Jewish leaders) who talked to NNN said:"We will not tolerate,INTOLERANCE!!!"
    "Trump must disavow white supremacy"(That by a large group of Jewish leaders in Pittsburgh),though one said,"Trump is welcome anytime."
    So as the word "hate"is said and repeated as often as possible by media and liberals(similar to "racist","rape" and "white men" have been uttered like mantras the last few months by MSM),a simple chance to explore what's REALLY going on with this country is ignored intentionally.Lesta doesn't want to delve into why whites are upset,concerned and even HATE what's happening in this country.The word "HATE" isn't like he says it though--it's disgust over the way the courts,media,Hollywood and Democrats have turned against whites--and expect them not to protest what is happening,but worse,what WILL occur.
    Their motto for us:"Don't hate,accept your fate".
    --GR Anonymous--I'm a white man

  2. "They All Look The Same" - Hillary Cracks Racist Joke After Booker/Holder Mix-Up
    Being the paragon of political-correctness and queen of virtue-signaling opportunism, Hillary Clinton sat down with Recode's Kara Swisher this weekend to answer questions about just how evil and awful conservative opponents have been in the last few months.

    The conversation began normally, with Clinton hypocritically toeing the progressive line of identity politics by explaining how each of the groups are different but can be managed by the same liberal movement:

    "What’s often called political correctness is politeness,” Clinton said.

    “It’s not being rude and insulting to people. It’s respecting the diversity that we have in our society,” she said.

    “The Democratic Party is a much more diverse political party, attracting people who are African-American, Latino, LGBT, whatever the reason why people feel more comfortable where they are taken in, where they are included as part of a political movement or party."

    “And I don’t think it’s politically correct to say we value that. And I don’t want to go around insulting people. I don’t want to paint with a broad brush every immigrant is this, every African-American is that, every, you know, other person with different religious beliefs or whatever - that’s childish."

    Childish, indeed. Insulting, indeed.

    Just 30 seconds later, as Swisher asked:

    "what do you think of Cory Booker... saying ‘kick them in the shins,’ essentially...” incorrectly recalling Eric Holder's recent comments.

    Which Clinton quickly corrected:

    “Well that was Eric Holder..."

    Adding, rather extraordinarily,

    "Yeah, I know they all look alike,” Clinton joked, triggering howls of laughter from the apparently mind-numbed audience.
    GRA:Let's see the clips on MSM.I'm waiting.
    ---GR Anonymous

    There's a lot of good stuff out on the airwaves tonight.
    Carlson showed Lester Holt--of ALL people--dressed up in whiteface,as Susan Boyle for a"Today Show" Halloween special.
    The man who ranted about Megyn Kelly simply talking about putting makeup on to imitate another race--DID IT!
    Tonight,Tucker Carlson and his guest,Mark Steyn engaged in some flimsy discussion about not only Holt,but Hillary Clinton's racist joke("You blacks all look alike.")
    Carlson remarked,"Maybe we should cut Hillary some slack and Lester Holt also.We shouldn't ask them to disappear because of a bad decision."
    What Carlson doesn't get in his suggestion to forgive the two loudmouth purveyors of commie propaganda,is 1)the hypocrisy and 2)the lack of consistancy.
    You can't have it both ways--calling Republicans racist,while YOU are more outspokenly racist than any Repub since Strom Thurmond in 1948.Also,the punishment must be delivered here as well,to both Clinton and Holt.They cannot be let off the hook--as Dems usually are allowed to do.
    The alternative to this scenario,would be an agreement of TOTAL free speech and the end of "gotcha" newscasting.Everyone could say anything without fear of job loss,removal from Facebook etc.
    Realistically,THAT will never occur,so fire Holt first and crucify Clinton second.I'll provide the nails.
    --GR Anonymous

  4. YEP! Just keep saying to yourself: "This is only a TV program and not reality." That should do it.
