Saturday, October 27, 2018

Pittsburgh Synagogue Mass Murderer Said He Hates Trump... and Jews, Jews, Jews

By Grand Rapids Anonymous-I'm a white man
Saturday, October 27, 2018 at 1:45:00 P.M. EDT

The perp, Robert Bowers, said he "was not a Trump supporter. Trump is a traitor to ANY AMERICANS."

This referred to a quote that Bowers attributed to Trump, after Charlottesville, where POTUS commented, "African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans... ANY AMERICANS, should be allowed to live their lives free of violence."

"Trump had betrayed ANY AMERICANS (whites)," Bowers commented on a social media account before the shooting.

Many bring up the possibility of a future civil war, but currently it's being waged on an individual basis. Everyone sees that the USA is failing and in their own minds, cast blame (rightly or wrongly) on who is at fault. Some take actions like this. I'm not sure it can be attributed to "mental illness."
Bowers blamed Jews. Personally, I haven't thought about Jews as the primary problem here. Plenty of websites (including commenters on ZH) tirelessly blame rich Jews pushing an agenda of destruction on America—including being behind the flood of immigrants coming into the US.

I read that stuff cluelessly. I have no knowledge if that's true or not. What I DO know is what I see around me, my city, and country, what's ruining it—it isn't Jews.


  1. jerry pdx
    What does a black guy do when he gets his ass beat by 2 women? He plays the race card natch!
    Actor Kobie DJ K-LUV (who?) says he was physically attacked at a Halloween party at a George Clooney's Halloween party by Brandi Glanville (former wife of Eddie Cyprian, an actor who is now married to LeAnn Rimes (OK, I have heard of them) and another girl who he once dated. He describes the beat down thusly:

    "The 'Housewives' chick Brandi and her friend saw me, I thought it was all good, next thing you know I'm getting attacked," the actor claimed, going on to say that he was attacked by the women with "12 uppercuts" like "in a boxing match."

    He goes on to explain he is also a victim of racial oppression:

    Randolph, who says he was dressed as the "black James Bond" for the party, shows off his bloody lip in the TMZ video and explained that no one helped him during the alleged brawl but instead, watched as "the minority" was attacked, highlighting that he was one of the only people of color at the event.

    Yes, according to him he "dindu nuffin" and not only that, he was one of the few "people of color" and nobody "white" stepped in to help him. Maybe they thought the “black” James Bond could handle two ladies by himself. Guarantee Sean Connery would have. Amazing the way he was able to count exactly "12 uppercuts" he was hit with.

    Let's read between the lines here, it's not his fault he's a pussy, it's the fault of those whitey's who didn't help him. No word on who the woman he once dated was, no mention of her race, I might cut him some slack if it was one of those overly muscular feral negro "females" who practice violent felonious assault like a hobby.

    Who the hell knows how it started or what really happened but playing the race card pretty much discredits him. I think he would have been better served just preserving what little is left of his manhood and keeping his mouth shut about it.

  2. Who then,exactly,IS responsible for our national decline and ruination ?
    It isn't accidental; and most assuredly IS intentional.
    C'mon, WHO ?
    SAY IT !
    SAY IT !

  3. There's a difference between responsiblity and what the current problem is.Blacks and Mex have been unleashed.That's our problem.Democrats,circa 1964-65,and our courts,since 1954,are responsible.Since then,it's been a snowball rolling downhill.

  4. Good doctors, dentists, accountants, lawyers. Needed and should be admired for the good job they do.

  5. Execute the killer. With all due speed.

  6. You can't see the puppet strings that move the Blacks around because their (((Puppeteers))) and their craven stooges have moved on to wireless remote control technology.
    The Telescreen "programming" has also moved on to constant hypnotism and image implantation.
    Hence,dead eyed/mouth breathing/ghetto fashionista/DeLuxe leased Hoopty/Snakehead and Chunky Head/Cheeto,Lean,Fawteez,NooPoht consuming/stolen firearm/Ho Beatin'/YT Killin'/Drug Slangin'/Warrant Evading/smelly/ugly/diseased...KILLER APES are set free upon the land...
    in Hegelian Dialectic fashion to intentionally destroy all so that the (((Puppeteers))) may step in with the usual Control Commissions to "Fix The World".
    First Fix: Disarm Whitey
    It's a Zionist Talmudic thing...
    that's overdue to be STOPPED, hard.
    Die Hofjuden at the top of The List,very soon.
    Kleinesjuden...just shut up and learn by what transpires in front of your eyes.
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock

  7. Anon, Sunday, October 28, 2018 at 1:53:00 P.M. EDT

    Although I deeply appreciate your fine distinction between "die Hofjuden" (court Jews) and die Kleinjuden (little Jews), this (((puppeteer))) decrees that you've reached your quota.
