Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Jews = Communists? Communists: The Nazis were Right All Along about the Jews!

By Nicholas Stix

Hey, doncha know? You're not allowed to criticize #GeorgeSoros, on pain of being condemned as an "anti-Semite."

It's funny. Rabid anti-Semites/Nazis have long identified all Jews with Marxism, and now the communists are using the identical strategy.

Reds are notorious for their lack of irony, so don’t expect them to appreciate this.

Judicial Watch 🔎‏Verified account @JudicialWatch
Judicial Watch released 49 pages of newly obtained records from the State Dept about the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and its overseas taxpayer funding of George Soros’s left-wing nonprofit organizations in the nation of Albania.
10:44 AM - 31 Oct 2018

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