Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Apparent Honor Killing in Muslim Capital Has MSM Mystified (That Muslim Capital Would be New York City!)

By Jerry PDX
Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 2:12:00 P.M. EDT

You may have heard about the 2 young girls found dead in the Hudson River (New York Times article).

Their names were Tala Farea 16, and Rotana Farea, 22. Both were from Saudi Arabia, and interestingly had both just applied for political asylum.

Coincidentally, the Saudi Embassy had called the parents and demanded the girls’ return to Saudi Arabia, right after they applied. The media is treating this one with an air of mystified confusion, for PC reasons, no doubt, because this one is likely to be an honor killing.

It's still early and I can't say for certain but the elements are there: Young, rebellious female victims is the first clue, the asylum application and that they were bound together facing each other seems symbolic in some way. Was the family humiliated and decided to kill the girls? Perhaps Saudi operatives here in the US are sending a signal to any other young women who might want to escape Saudi Arabia for the wicked West?

This is reminiscent of the Shafia family murders where four women, three young ones and a middle-aged one were all murdered by the Afghani father (of the young girls). This occurred in Canada, and received a fair amount of media attention up there and provoked a lot of debate about "honor killings." That doesn't happen so much in the US. Media outlets and liberal talking sock puppets usually observe the PC “respectful attitude” toward other cultures’ murderous customs. They might not feel safe if we didn't do that.

American liberals would love nothing better than to discover these girls fell victim to a “white” American serial killer, and while anything is possible, my money is on those good old Middle Eastern family values, the ones that don't value the lives of females much, that is.


  1. The FBI was even eavesdropping on this foreign Islamic terrorist the exact moment he was strangling his teen daughter to preserve the famblee honor. She was dating a negro. The bad guy got death in Missouri. Not sure if he was ever executed.

  2. jerry pdx
    These Muslim countries have no problem with shipping millions of young men to the West in order to sew their wild oats and Muslimize the infidels but Allah forbid any of their young females even look sideways at a Western male and make their men feel inadequate and insecure.

  3. This bad guy on death row in Missouri died in 2010 from diabetes. He was at the time a terrorist operative.
