Thursday, October 25, 2018

Anti-Semitic, Racist, Black Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Has Female Jewish Journalist Forcibly Removed from Synagogue

By Nicholas Stix

N.S.: As a Jew, I find this shocking, but unsurprising. My mixed, extended birth family is full of anti-Semites--the gentile and the Jewish kind. And the Jewish anti-Semites are mostly communists, though there might be a few socialists mixed in.


  1. An anti-Semite event. Blacks generally by and large hate Jews. Blacks are known to kill or attack Jews [especially those Orthodox] when they get the chance. Blacks are very hate filled and prejudiced.

  2. Forcibly removed! And who forcibly removed her? Brother and sister Jews? Done with the encouragement of a negro man. Shame.
