Sunday, September 16, 2018

Let's Enjoy Some Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing Humor!


  1. Simon says"Time to Retire."
    Simon says,"Goodbye."
    I meant to jot down a little something about the the two guys named Simon,Paul and Neil or Neil and Paul.Great great artists.
    One passed away two weeks ago and the other is hanging up his guitar after more than 60 years.
    For no other reason,Neil Simon was a favorite of mine because he wrote "The Odd Couple."Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon turned his words into a classic.The scene in the restaurant,where Felix has a sinus problem,was very high quality,low brow humor.The scene,where Oscar has had enough of Felix and enumerates his frustrations,is topped off by the classic line:"You leave me little notes on my pillow...we're all out of corn flakes-FU.It took me three hours to figure out that F.U. meant Felix Unger."
    Paul Simon was at his peak with Art Garfunkle about then--1967."Bookends" was released that year and after discovering it years later,it's still one of my favorites.
    I used to HEAR Simon and Garfunkle all the time on my parents radio,mixed in with all the other great music of that era.Paul split with Artie,made excellent music as a soloist and got back with Artie,during some well publicized reunions--which I ate up(Central Park,being the first of many).
    Now Simon says its time.He looks tired,like he's had enough.
    Here's to you,Mr Simon (both of you).
    --GR Anonymous

  2. The girl on the right looks like SHE is on the verge of doing something "inappropriate" lol.Any pictures from 5 minutes later?

  3. GRA Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 10:09:00 P.M. EDT

