Friday, September 21, 2018

Jennifer Rubin, “Conservative”

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Rubin is as typical a poster girl as any for contemporary neo-conservatism.

What does she believe in? Absolutely nothing! What is the depth of her knowledge? Not even a fingertip deep.


  1. GRA:I think we know the author of the NY TIMES article.
    (ZEROHEDGE)In a shocking report citing a bevy of anonymous DOJ officials, the NYT recounted on Friday an aborted mutiny attempt organized by Rod Rosenstein, who allegedly tried to organize members of Trump's cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment to oust Trump from office. In an attempt to persuade the clearly reluctant members of Trump's cabinet, Rosenstein suggested that he or other officials should secretly tape Trump "to expose the chaos" he said was engulfing the West Wing. According to NYT, the sources were either briefed on Rosenstein's plans, or learned about it from the files of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired after being disgraced by an inspector general investigation. ABC News, which also reported the story, cited sources familiar with McCabe's files. A grand jury is also weighing whether to press charges against McCabe for allegedly misleading the inspector general.
    GRA:More treason?
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Lesta Holt tonight...Rosenstein "bombshell"--Holt's favorite word for non-bombshell stories.
    Trump backs Kavanaugh,gets slammed for asking "why didn't she report it 36 years ago?"(He gets slammed for everything).
    More white criminals Lesta has on his "wanted list".Today it was Peter Chadwick.Funny,he never mentions blacks on the lam.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. Jennifer Rubin is the result when Conservatives allow the Liberal Media to pick who is the Conservative spokespeople

  4. One question for our moderator:Why is Dianne Feinstein's name pronounced Fein-STEEN,while Rod Rosenstein is Rosen-STEIN?Many of the anchors on FOX take both options in saying the latter's moniker,usually in the same sentence:"Rosen-STEEN reportedly denied the story,I mean Rosen-STINE denied it."
    I guess they both did.
    Feinstein,however is always Fein-STEEN,no matter what--never Fein-STINE.How does it all work?
    --GR Anonymous
