Saturday, September 29, 2018

Christine Blasey Ford: Very Credible!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix


  1. Right. Polygraph if done properly they only several questions as germane to an investigation. Other questions are asked to establish a base of true and false. And the polygraph if done correctly will work correctly, it all depends on the questions and the person doing the exam.

  2. Because of the slim majority of Republicans,McCain and Flake have had a disproportionate amount of power,compared to the other large number of Senators that have tended to support Trump.Not sure if it was supposed to work this way.Flake and Mccain were coverboys for RINO magazine.I see that a couple liberal protesters,who cornered Flake in an elevator,got the credit from "Negro Nightly News" and other MSM outlets,for his change of vote.That,of course,gives the lib nutjobs fuel to confront more politicians who oppose them.
    "You look at me!!!I was sexually assaulted...blah blah."
    Then Flake flipped.Just that easy.He'd have done it anyways--this just gives the green light for continued attacks.
    Where is OUR side?
    We should be swarming media centers by the thousands,protesting their intentionally,overwhelmingly,slanted news.We should be holding marches to show we don't want our country to devolve into a toilet bowl of lowlifes.We should have people going after Democratic politicians--making THEM uncomfortable.
    Where is OUR side?

  3. It's a bag of mixed nuts on every side. And the taxpayers are paying double for the circus. We are the losers in this game. Neither side are angels. Trump should appoint a woman supreme court justice then in six months put in his choice.

  4. I took a polygraph(Lie detector) test when I was 16 years old. This was many years ago about 55 years or so. I was applying for a job at a retail outlet. The test lasted maybe 20 minutes or so. There was nothing to get emotional about just standard questions about my name, where I live, where I go to school etc. The crux of the session was obviously whether I was a thief and If I would lie. So it came down to this question; Have I ever stolen anything in my life. I answered Yes of course I had stolen. The operator of the test was mildly surprised. When asked as to what I had stolen I answered that I stole a quarter from my mom's purse. I passed and got the job.
    I needed the quarter to buy a fake M-80 firecracker with which I was going to make a real M-80 by collecting the powder out of cap gun ammo.
    A group of puerto ricans (about 10 or so) waylaid me and stole my quarter as I approached the Wallgreens store. Oh well, what comes around goes around.
