Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Ann Coulter on the #ChristineBlaseyFord Hoax

By Nicholas Stix

“There’s nothing to investigate.”

“If you let them get away with this, you’ll have CNN running the country, because anyone could make any sort of claim at any time.”


  1. jerry pdx
    This one just hit the newswires, A young pretty white woman, 35 yr. old Wendy Martinez has been stabbed to death while out jogging by a diversity murderer. Fox put it up immediately with a grainy video, though no detailed description of suspect. Yes, it's the usual victim and the usual suspect but nobody will say it aloud. Police in the article are calling is a "random act"...yeah sure:
    A quick search reveals no coverage by any of the other major news media outlets.

  2. Our late friend Larry Auster once said Andrew C. McCarthy was the only adult writing for NRO. He wrote this ( today, "It's a Set-up."

    "Four points, to state the obvious."

    "First, in no case does even the most sympathetic, convincing victim of a crime get to dictate the terms of the investigation."

    Second, in any sexual-assault investigation, an interview of the alleged victim is among the first things that must be done. Here, moreover, it would be THE first thing, since after 36 years a forensic investigation is not possible. Because the alleged victim's version of events would dictate the course of the rest of the investigation, it would be ab surd to delay an interview."

    "Third, as long as Ford's counsel want to talk about regular, independent investigations, we should note there is not a police organization in America that would entertain her allegation, in light of the lapse of time and the long-ago exhaustion of the statute of limitations. Professional investigators understand only too well the inherent unreliability of allegations raised in the manner Ford's have been raised. The only relevance of this alleged incident is to a Senate function, so it is for the Senate committee to decide how to proceed."

    Fourth, as Ford's lawyers well know, in our adversary system, we do not submit disputes to a team of independent expert investigators. We have advocates for each side - PARTISANS - make the case as well as it can be made from their side's perspective, and we let the other side attack with all its partisan might. We allow each side to examine the other's witnesses. Based on this often heated clash, we expect that members of the public will be able to figure out what information is reliable, what is nonsense, and what the truth is. That is the process we use for deciding life-and-death criminal sentences, as well as civil judgments that can be financially ruinous. We have used it for centuries because it works."

    And: "If Democrats had believed Ford's story was convincing, and had followed the committee-hearing process in good faith, we'd have heard about it in July, and we'd have been hearing about nothing else since--especially during the hours upon hours that Kavanaugh answered aggressively provacative, politically loaded questions under oath. Senator Feinstein knew about Ford's allegation all that time and uttered not a peep about it--not in face-to-face interviews with Kavanaugh or in her rounds of questioning at the hearing. And don't tell me Feinstein had to stay mum to honor Ford's desire for anonymity. There is good reason to believe Ford had no intention of remaining anonymous (hiring Democrat-activist-lawyers, taking a polygraph, etc.). But even if Ford truly wanted to remain unidentified, Senator Feinstein could easily have questioned Kavanaugh about the purported incident without MENTIONING FORD'S NAME. That would have preserved anonymity while adhering to the hearing process. Instead, the Democrats' ranking committee member contemptuously undermined the committee's process, and now other Senate Democrats are following her lead."

    Remember NRO writer David French (the one I live near) and his stupid Commentary article about the Trayvon Martin Hoax? He was just as bad in his first pieces on this hoax.

  3. Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderick. Investigate that too. Then charge the culprit with the possibility of conviction and a long jail sentence.
