Thursday, August 09, 2018

When is a Federal Felony Conviction Invalid?

By Nicholas Stix

On August 7, 2018, killer Adam Purinton was convicted, and sentenced to life without parole.

Purinton is white; his murder victim, who was contradictorily described, within the same thing, as an “Indian national” and “Indian-American,” was Srinivas Kuchibhotla. Purinton also shot a second Indian national, Alok Madasani, and Ian Grillot, who was cryptically described by the media as a “Kansas resident.” [“Widow of Indian-American Murdered in Hate Crime: ‘My American Dream Is Broken’” by Olivia Messer, The Daily Beast, August 7, 2018.]

Unlike most of the white or white-enough defendants about whom I write, Purinton really was guilty as heck of murder, but his guilt of that crime, plus two counts of attempted murder, is not what makes him interesting.

Purinton was not convicted of murder, or of attempted murder. Instead, he was convicted of “hate crime and firearm offenses.” [“Kansas Man Sentenced to Life in Prison Without Parole for Racially Motivated Shooting at Olathe Bar,” Office of Public Affairs, Department of Justice, August 7, 2018.]

And that vitiates his conviction.

How many times have we heard of a guilty-as-h-e-c-k criminal, e.g., terrorist bomber and Obama ghostwriter Bill Ayers, getting off because of some piddling “technicality”? Two can play that game, and unconstitutionality ain’t piddling.

Not that anyone in the media, police departments, prosecutors’ offices, or judges’ chambers is going to give my opinion the time of day.

Like civil rights laws, hate crime laws are unconstitutional.

All local prosecutors had to do was charge Purinton with one count of murder, and two counts of attempted murder, of which he was guilty as heck. Time was, they would have gotten convictions on all counts from a Kansas jury, a death sentence, and a year later, a date with the executioner.

But the feds turned his prosecution into a political prosecution.

Our constitution permits of only two types of political crimes: Treason and sedition.

Thus, although Purinton is a heinous murderer, he is also a political prisoner.

Imagine that. The powers that be are so corrupt and totalitarian that they even turn prosecutions of the guilty into show trials.


  1. Punchline required:
    How many burrheads can FoxNews put on a one hour show?
    MY punchline:A higher number than most black 18 year olds can count to.
    (It almost seems like the host/hostess is the token white).Ingraham exceeded the quota by at least 2 tonight.

  2. "The powers that be are so corrupt and totalitarian that they even turn prosecutions of the guilty into show trials. "

    People have asked me when they did away with double jeopardy. I said long ago. Federal statute and state statute two different things. Acquit in one, then try in another. All to assuage the negro from the civil rights era.

  3. Even When Blacks Have a Decent Job--They Kill Whitey.Wake Forest Assistant Coach Charged With Murder of White Tourist.
    (News and man killed after an alleged altercation with a Wake Forest assistant basketball coach in New York died as result of a homicide, the New York City Office of the Medical Examiner has ruled.

    Sandor Szabo, who once lived in Raleigh, died Tuesday after being allegedly being struck Sunday by Jamill Jones, who was hired by Wake Forest in 2017. The cause of death was a blunt impact injury of the head, a spokesman for the medical examiner told The News & Observer in an email Friday.

    Jones has been charged with misdemeanor assault.

    “The death has been ruled a homicide,” Sgt. Vincent Marchese with the New York City Police Department confirmed Friday to the Winston-Salem Journal. “(Jones) was charged with assault, but now that the medical examiner has deemed it a homicide, it will be up to the district attorney and the courts to upgrade the charges.”
    Wake Forest athletic director Ron Wellman, in a statement released Friday by the university, said Jones had been placed on leave. Wellman said he spoke with Jones on Friday and that Jones agreed the decision was appropriate.

    “Wake Forest University expresses heartfelt condolences to Sandor Szabo’s family and friends following his tragic death,” the statement said.

    According to information provided in an email to The News & Observer on Friday by the New York City Police Department, the incident was first reported to police at 1:15 a.m. on Sunday.

    Police were told a 35-year-old male had been punched by another male, and that the victim’s head hit the pavement as he fell backward. The victim lost consciousness, the report said, and he was taken to an area hospital in critical condition.

    The man who threw the punch — later identified as Jones — “fled the scene,” the report said, in a white sport-utility vehicle.

    Szabo, who has been living in Florida, died at 2:52 p.m. on Tuesday, the police reported.
    --GRA:Lesta:"What do we have tonight?"
    Assistant:"Black coach kills white guy."
    Lesta:"You're FIRED!NEXT STORY!"
    Assistant:"Omorosa accuses Trump..."
    Lesta:"Yes,lead with it."

    --GR Anonymous

  4. Negro Nightly News changes its stripes--sort of.
    As mentioned,Omarosa got top billing by Lesta Holt,with her"bombshell" accusations against President Trump,that he used the "N" word years ago on "The Apprentice"--though she never heard it herself.
    But then a curious shift in NNN's choice of stories to air.Lesta DID unexpectedly show the Wake Forest,black coach story--in HIS way,by excusing the homicide on "the victim being intoxicated and mistakenly knocking on the (black) coach's window."
    Lesta then asked an expert what type of charges could Jamill Jones face--hinting of a lesser criminal situation.
    Lesta thinks it was whitey's fault and that's the scenario he presented to the public.
    Then,also unexpectedly,he showed a black thug stopped by police,getting in a fight,pulling the cops gun and shooting him,as recorded on Dashcam.This has never been done on NNN,which begs the question--has there been a backlash against NNN'S content of pro-black,anti-white,anti-white COP on a daily basis?
    Yet,as I posted previously,he DID stick with a tried and true finale--which is,after a negative story on blacks earlier,he wraps with a pro-black story of a black preacher converting a Nazi skinhead to his black church.
    70 blacks in that church and 3 whites,including this white guy and his fiancee.
    Bad white guy redeemed by good blackie.
    And Lesta smiled as he signed off.
    --GR Anonymous
