Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Black Police Chief's Son, Tyrone Keith McAllister, 18, Allegedly Attacked a 71-Year-Old Sikh Man Monday

By Reader-Researcher R.S.

Union City Police Chief’s Son Arrested for Attack on 71-Year-Old Sikh Man

The Union City police chief's teenage son was arrested Wednesday in connection with a brutal attack on a 71-year-old Sikh man in Manteca, and detectives are trying to determine if the attack was a hate crime. Surveillance footage from a nearby home released by the Manteca Police Department allegedly shows Tyrone Keith McAllister, 18, the son of Union City Police Chief Darryl McAllister, and a 16-year-old boy confronting Sahbit Singh Natt, who was taking his daily walk Monday morning along Greystone Park on Turquoise Way. Footage shows two people walk up to Natt at around 6 a.m. when one of the individuals, wearing a dark hoodie and jeans, suddenly kicks him to the ground, police said.



  1. Tyrone! All you have to do is here that name Tyrone and you are 99 % on the way to knowing the race of the perpetrator. Son of the police chief too. The father did a good job of raising his son. Tyrone is an adult too. That makes the crime more severe. I bet some big time strings are going to be pulled here. Sounds like so early in the morning that was a planned ambush. By that hour Tyrone would be normally sleeping as he does not have a job or is too hung over from the last night drunk.

  2. An adult [Tyrone] attacking a senior in a manner that suggests hate crime. Nine times the normal amount of punishment due to Tyrone by my reckoning. Congratulations Chief. You failed raising your son.

  3. This was a repeat of a similar attack the previous [?] day. So this is habitual and part of a plan. Racist in nature.

    Negroes by and large are very hateful of others not of their kind. Negroes delight in hurting others not their kind.
