Sunday, August 05, 2018

Robert Spencer: Tommy Robinson and Britain’s Ongoing Descent into Madness

By Reader-Researcher R.C.

Robert Spencer: Tommy Robinson and Britain’s Ongoing Descent into Madness

Future ages will see the UK’s persecution of foes of jihad terror as its darkest hour.

The treatment of Tommy Robinson in prison was unconscionable, and consistent with the British government’s determination to crush all resistance to its program of mass Muslim migration and capitulation to Sharia supremacists. The treatment of Tommy Robinson in prison was a demonstration of pure police state tactics.


  1. FOX talks about "Trump Derangement Syndrome"--on a mass scale,but what goes hand in hand with that disease is Immigration Insanity Illness--the need for a large portion of a city/state/country/continent,to desire that it be taken over by tens of millions of people who hate them.These fu**ing Muslims are laughing at the Europeans.There are only two times that Muslims laugh--one is after decapitating a Westerner's noggin,the other is after the realization that M6slims are pulling off the easiest annexation of European land since Hitler.They have tears running down their beards,onto their sandals,from laughing at the dumbfu*k British,French,Swedes etc.Who needs a war with Christians when you can win with bullsh*t("Our countries are unlivable"--YES,because of YOUR PEOPLE.)
    We have the Mex here as a primary problem now,but Muslims will soon pour in here too.We have an Arab running for governor of Michigan,for Chrissakes.You don't think he wouldn't open the floodgates here?
    Internment camps are coming,for whitey,all around the Christian world in this century,if someone doesn't cure the Immigration Insanity Illness soon.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Here's more media manipulation.Candace Owens,not one of my favorites,appeared to take whitey's side with the Yeong tweets,to make a point.She did,as Twitter suspended her account for 12 hours.By substituting Yeong's anti-white tweets with "black" or "Jewish" in the place of "white" and re-tweeting the same diatribes (a pretty creative move,but I still don't trust her)she found out Twitter is racist.Twitter apologized,but only did so because it WAS Candace Owens--one thing she didn't mention.The full story:
    --GR Anonymous

  3. We Americans have saved England during WWII for the muslims.
