Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Reconquista “Protesters” Boycott El Tiempo Restaurant after Owner Takes Picture with AG Jeff Sessions

By A Texas Reader
Tue, Aug 14, 2018 9:23 a.m.


N.S.: None of the “boycotters” were customers, to begin with. The point of such a “boycott” is to brutally intimidate the business’ customers out of patronizing it.

When confessed murderer and convicted kidnapper Robert “Sonny” Carson (1935-2002) led a boycott of two Korean stores (a produce store and a supermarket) “boycotters” spit on and slugged the owner of one store, and reportedly brutally beat a black man school teacher who’d brought his students in to buy apples.

The store owners got a court order to keep the thugs a safe distance form the store, but racist, socialist black mayor David Dinkins criminally ordered the NYPD to violate the order, and the owners had to get a second court order, ordering police to honor the first one.

That’s why boycotts were illegal, until the so-called civil rights movement got the law changed, so that their crimes would be transformed into virtues.


  1. "That’s why boycotts were illegal, until the so-called civil rights movement got the law changed, so that their crimes would be transformed into virtues."

    Up is down and down is up. Right is left and left is right. Good is bad and bad is good. Etc. George what-was-his-name talked about this sorta thing?

  2. "until the so-called civil rights movement got the law changed"

    Double jeopardy done away with too. You can be tried twice for the same crime. Once in state court and once in federal court. All to assuage the negro agitator.

    Any of you whitey familiar with this??
