Monday, August 27, 2018

Pat Condell vs. the Google/Youtube Gestapo

Sent: Mon, Aug 27, 2018 2:20 pm
Subject: The ever quotable Pat Condell

Pat Condell´s newest video in 2018: taken down, but not gone!
"It seems there's no longer any pretense that the 'tolerance and diversity' crowd have any tolerance for diversity of opinion, and now they're openly censoring political views they disapprove of.
"It's happening so often and to so many people that the words 'YouTube' and 'censorship' now go together like 'Islamic' and 'terrorism' or 'migrant' and 'rape' or 'Marxist' and 'dictatorship.'
"They just seem to roll off the tongue, arm in arm, best pals forever."

1 comment:

  1. And be contrite and apologetic too. Bow if necessary. Say the right words.
