Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Nazi hate hoax

Sent: Tue, Aug 28, 2018 02:13 PM
Subject: Hoax.

Steve Sailer • August 27, 2018
• 100 Words • 67 Comments • Reply
Screenshot 2018-08-27 20.03.40
From the Tampa Bay Times:
"As Governor, I will never be held hostage to hatred, or bigotry, or intolerance," Levine said in a statement.
Ever since Trump's election, the Fanatical (But Dyslexic) Nazi Menace has been stalking our fair land, and now it's out of control.
Seriously, what percentage of readers will never dream that this could be another hate hoax, because who would be so outre as to even mention the conceptual possibility, much less the words "hate hoax?"

1 comment:

  1. Child like scrawl. A hoax. By some moron. Even the SPLC hoaxsters could have done a better job.
