Thursday, August 16, 2018

Gov. Andrew “The Don” Cuomo Started Twitter War, and is Now Getting Incoming from Both Sides!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix


  1. It was great,B.C.(Before Cuomo).
    B.D (Before DiBlasio)
    B.B (Before Bush-pick one)
    B.J (Before Johnson,Lyndon).
    I think that last one is my final answer,Regis(though the others have made it worse).
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Vito Corleone if he was still around could easily talk some sense into the Governor.

  3. That is what the Governor does believe. He would not have said those things if he had not thought them first. Thank you Governor for telling us what you REALLY think and believe. You have done us all a great favor.
