Thursday, August 02, 2018

Breathing While White: Racist Attack in New York City


As yet unidentified war criminal

By A.L.

Police in New York City are looking for an African American man who they say attacked a man on a city bus just because the victim was white.

The attack reportedly occurred on Monday, July 30, at about 10 AM in Brooklyn, Fox 5 New York reported.

Police say that a 29-year-old white man was riding the bus on Fulton Street when a black man approached him, yelled racial epithets, and punched him in the face causing swelling and pain.

The attacker quickly jumped off the bus at Fulton and Bond Street, witnesses said.

1 comment:

  1. Blacks to Protest Against Their Own Behavior
    GRA:According to FOXNEWS this morning,thousands of blacks will gather in Chicago,demanding the resignation of mayor Rahm Emmanuel because,"he hasn't stopped black crime."
    In otherwords,another reason thought up to get whitey ousted--without an election--and replace him with a black.
    The bottom line of the FOX report was that the white mayor was being blamed for black behavior and must go.
    "He hasn't stopped all the (black)crime in this city,"said one older black.
    The chance of Emmanuel resigning?Less than the proverbial example of a longshot--a Mets/White Sox World Series occurring this year.
    Is Emmanuel a horrible mayor?Probably.Will putting a black into the mayor's chair cause Daquonious not to shoot Antoinious?No.

    --GR Anonymous
