Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Bing: Charlottesville's First Black Female Mayor: "We’re not a post-racial nation"

By Prince George’s County Ex-Pat

At The Guardian.

N.S.: When the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” first ran for president in 2008, his supporters said that his election would usher in a “post-racial” America. But after “Obama” was elected, the same people turned around and announced that “America is not a post-racial nation,” as a condemnation of whites! And the MSM—with the possible exception of Fox News--refused to explain the bait-and-switch involved.


  1. Obama represented not post-racial America but interracial America where the product of a black guy humping a white woman became leader of the nation. A cuck-nation. What shame.

  2. Well,the political wrap up in Michigan saw two Trump endorsees victorious Tuesday night.Bill Schuette won the Republican primary for governor over the lieutenant-governor Calley,while black John James(who Trump endorsed)beat white Sandy Pensler for Senate.On the Dem side,Gretchen Whitmer a white state Senator defeated an Arab and Indian,for the right to face Schuette for governor in November.Whitmer received 52% Muslim,El Said,28% and Indian,Shri Tannebar,20%.The Indian had tried an anti-Trump ad that seemingly backfired,but basically Michigan wasn't ready to let foreigners run the state just yet.
    Black Senate candidate James will not get close to incumbant Debbie Stabenow in the fall election--she ran unopposed Tuesday.She's a shoo in.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. And never will be a post-racial nation either.

  4. On the severe downside,a radical Muslim--who wants to impeach Trump (and calls HIM un-American)wins John Conyers seat in Detroit.
    (The Hill)Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib won the Democratic nomination for Michigan's 13th Congressional District, paving the way for her to become the first Muslim woman elected into Congress.

    Tlaib, who ran for a House seat previously held by former Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), defeated five other candidates in the state's Democratic primary, according to The Associated Press.

    No Republicans or third-party candidates ran in the primary, meaning that Tlaib is set to start a two-year term in Congress after the November election.

    She would become the first Muslim woman and Palestinian-American in Congress, HuffPost reported.

    "I'LL NEVER KNEEL": Jim Brown, Hall of Fame running back and civil rights champion, said Tuesday that he would always stand for “The Star-Spangled Banner” — and would prefer if players would, too ... Brown, 82, who spoke before the HBO premiere of “Hard Knocks,” said: “I’ll never kneel and I will always respect the flag.” “I am not going to denigrate my flag and I’m going to stand for the national anthem,” he said. “I’m fighting with all of my strength to make it a better country, but I don’t think that’s the issue. Because what is the top side? Are you not going to stand up? This is our country, man." While Brown said he preferred if players would stand for the national anthem, he also respected the players’ right to do what they want — even if it is to kneel.
    GRA:At this point I doubt if Brown COULD kneel(humor)and get back up.Still,Brown said the correct statement.NFL Negroes should listen to him.

  6. jerry pdx
    White man knocks on window of car, thinking it's his Uber drive and is punched by black, he dies after his head hits the sidewalk. Reverse the races and BLM would be howling: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/08/08/florida-tourist-dies-after-being-punched-by-driver-in-new-york-city-following-stepsister-wedding-reports-say.html

  7. " I don’t think that’s the issue"

    NO, it is not the issue. It is a workplace issue. The players [employees] have become the head and the owners have become the tail.
