Wednesday, July 25, 2018

National MSM Silent, after Black Woman Kidnaps 6-Month-Old White Baby and Burns Him to Death


War crime victim Levi Cole Ellerbee

By Pax Romana58
Wednesday, July 25, 2018 at 2:04:00 A.M. EDT

National MSM silent. "The most insidious power the media has, is the power to ignore.” (Chris Plante, WMAL)

"A six-month old baby boy was kidnapped, set on fire and dumped near train tracks in Louisiana last week."

At The Daily Mail.


Suspected war criminal Felicia Marie-Nicole Smith; two other suspects are still at large


  1. As the argument goes,what if a white person kidnapped a black kid (which wouldn't happen)and burned the black baby?Lesta Holt would have 10 minutes on the story at the top of the newscast,with repeated mentioning of the perp being white.
    "An African-American baby was kidnapped and burned to death by a white suspect yesterday..."White mugshot continuously displayed onscreen.
    Plenty of wonderful negroes on their propaganda segments though,"Inspiring America","Snapshots"--three minutes of bullshit that wants you to believe all blacks are saints--and if you watch "Negro Nightly News",that's what you'd think.No black crime shown (like this one),only black angels.
    How this daily half hour of lies gets removed from our airwaves is an important question.Public outcry and protests,plus a way to shine a light to stories like this,are my suggestions.Holt needs to be asked to explain and be held responsible for the anti-white,pro-black content on his "news"cast.It's the definition of "fake racial news",by omission AND commission.
    ---GR Anonymous

  2. Power to ignore is powerful. Also does the defining sets the agenda. Defining is power too.

  3. Since she had two persons with her she can hardly claim the insane did not know what I was doing defense.

  4. Of course it takes the English Daily Mail to cover this story. American media silent as usual.
