Thursday, July 26, 2018

ABC’s New York City Eyewitness News Gets Obscene in Its Warm-and-Fuzzy Black “News”

By Nicholas Stix

A few years ago, The Boss and I we were watching ABC’s New York City Eyewitness News, something we don’t do very often, as opposed to watching other awful newscasts. Painfully pc David Novarro was the news reader. He read two consecutive stories, one about gays, and the other about obsessive compulsives. He read the story about gays with a smile and a sunny demeanor, but read the one about the OCDs as if they were sex perverts, or something.

Granted, Novarro doesn’t write the news stories, but he has some control over how he delivers them.

Last week, on I believe Tuesday, July 17, we happened onto Novarro on ABC again, for a “news”cast that ended at 1 p.m.

The two last things were both black racial propaganda.

The first one was about a black guy who was late to work, because his car had broken down, and he’d walked …. miles to work. His white, female boss responded by buying him a car.

Back in 1977, my bike broke down on my way to my job as a hotel bellhop in the Catskills, causing me to have to walk to work late.

You know what my boss’ response was: “You’re fired.”

But we’re supposed to lament at how badly blacks have it.

The second story was about a black boy who wrongly called 911, and the black sheriff’s deputy who then engaged with the boy in a dance-off, captured by someone at the house on a cellphone video. Novarro treated the incident as a heart-warming moment, rather than a case of a lawman acting unprofessionally.

The video was a big hit on Twitter among people who think lawmen should be affirmative action cheerleaders in high-crime, er, diverse neighborhoods, rather than hard men who take down violent bad guys.

Obviously, this policy isn’t limited to ABC News, but that doesn’t make it any more palatable.

Back in the 1970s and 80s, the New York affiliate’s nightly news broadcast was co-hosted by smooth, handsome, Bill Beutel and grumpy, Roger Grimsby, the latter of whom used to say (via Marvin Kitman), “And now, for more of the so-called news.”


  1. "Inspiring(black) America",Lesta calls it.

  2. Latest Unprovable Accusations Against a Famous White Guy
    (Marketwatch)CBS Corp. (cbs) said Friday it will investigate allegations of misconduct made against Chief Executive Les Moonves by The New Yorker in an article written by Ronan Farrow that is expected to be published later Friday. "All of personal misconduct are to be taken seriously," CBS said in a statement. The Hollywood Reporter earlier said that the New Yorker report discusses allegations of instances of unwanted kissing and touching over two decades ago.
    GRA:"Off with his head!!!And his job!!!Do not try to fight it,Moonves,we cannot be stopped.
    The usual dykes,queers,commies,blacks,illegals and cucks."


    Updated 44 minutes ago

    Washington — President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence on Friday separately endorsed U.S. Senate hopeful John James in the Michigan Republican primary.

    James, an Iraq veteran and businessman from Farmington Hills, is seeking the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate against Grosse Pointe financier Sandy Pensler.

    Trump delivered the endorsement by Twitter on Friday amid a flurry of other campaign endorsements.

    ".@JohnJamesMI, who is running in the Republican Primary in the great state of Michigan, is SPECTACULAR! Vote on August 7th. Rarely have I seen a candidate with such great potential. West Point graduate, successful businessman and a African American leader," Trump tweeted.

    "John is strong on crime and borders, loves our Military, our Vets and our Second Amendment. He will be a star. He has my full and total Endorsement!"
    GRA:The winner of the Repub primary faces Dem powerhouse Debbie Stebanow,an overwhelming favorite against either James or Pensler.So its a no lose situation in Trump's mind--"I endorsed an A-A,now Joy Reid can't call me racist."
    Other political polls here for governor show the Dems have 3 candidates--a Muslim,an Indian immigrant (who has called Trump "a racist" and a white woman,Gretchen Whitmer.Whitmer leading so far with 40% to Muslim El Sayed's 19%(endorsed by Bernie Sanders)and Indian Shri Thanedar 19%.Republican Bill Schuette is expected to win the governor's job.El Sayed and Thanedar want to bust the borders with more of their own.So far they're trailing comfortably.
    --GR Anonymous

  4. Another Fall TV preview-CBS Sept 28th(Colored Broadcasting System)
    "God Friended Me"
    Last week I warned everyone about,"The Neighborhood",where whites are characterized as dumb animals--dumber than turkeys,let alone the blacks whose neighborhood they just moved into.Yes,more stupid than the blacks.
    This weeks pro-black CBS offering finds a black atheist receiving a friending request from "God" on Facebook.
    He accepts and turns into a savior of white people(judging from the promo clips),including a white guy who apparently has as many working brain cells as the whites in "The Neighborhood"--because he proceeds to a l m o s t
    walk off a subway platform--before being saved by blackie.
    Hallelujah--where would whites be without those blacks to save us?Lol.Another one to avoid.
    --GR Anonymous

  5. Who's to say that Moonves' enemies aren't conspiring with former employees for the sole purpose of "getting rid of Les".He makes extraordinary amounts of money and has probably overstayed his welcome at CBS.Hell,maybe he's against airing "The Neighborhood" and the powers that be,just want him gone.So they set this guy up.Who knows?I heard him mention today he "maybe made some women uncomfortable a long time ago--and for that,I apologize."
    Bad move.As Jerrypdx would agree,a guy trying to make normal advances in 1988,is thirty years later,reinterpreted as a rapist by former female aquaintannces.By admitting ANYTHING,Lrs Moonves just ramps up the pressure to resign over what may be "normal male behavior"(attempted first base,second base etc)
    --GR Anonymous
