Friday, June 29, 2018

The MSM are Celebrating Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ (Reconquista-NY) Primary Victory over Rep. Joseph Crowley, but Refuse to Report on the Real Reason Ocasio-Cortez Won: Obscene, Unadulterated Racism!


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The MSM claimed she won, because she had “more energy” than Rep. Joseph Crowley

Rep. Joseph Crowley: So much for going along, to get along

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at 8:26:00 P.M. EDT

The rest of the story...according to Tucker Carlson

Rep. Joseph Crowley of New York, a top-ranking Democrat and a rising star in the party, lost in a stunning upset Tuesday to a little-known primary challenger, sending shock waves through the party out of power less than five months before the midterm elections.

With almost all the ballots tallied, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old activist, had more than 57 percent of the vote to 42 percent for Crowley, the fourth-ranking House Democrat. Crowley became just the third sitting member of Congress, and the first Democratic incumbent, to lose in a primary this year.

GRA: The rest of the story is Cortez ran a racist campaign, according to Carlson. Her platform was described as the following, "He's a white man and a white man cannot represent this area. "She also wants free everything for her Mexican constituency. It reminds me of the Indian immigrant that's running for governor of Michigan, Shri Thanedar, a guy that can barely speak understandable English—he wants to give away everything as well.

There are plenty of socialists out there willing to give these foreigners a chance. Amazing,

N.S.: If Ocasio-Cortez is wonderful, what’s wrong with Richard Spencer, or even the KKK? To those who celebrate Ocasio-Cortez, Why do you hate white people?

Patriotic whites must form their own party. Even if Trump wins re-election in 2020, he will still be saddled with the Party of Cowards, some of whose members in both houses have been sabotaging him all along. It takes a while for a new party to establish itself, and if the new party wins any seats while Trump is still president, and he doesn’t betray his base, its national elected officials can support him in their votes.


  1. This is no surprise. I was stationed in Miami for three years. In Miami, EVERYONE HATES EVERYONE, and people vote strictly on ethnic and racial lines. While I was there, a city council candidate was voted into office, even though he was already indicted on racketeering charges. Did he get voted in because he was the best candidate? No. He was voted in because he was PUERTO RICAN. Did he get to serve on the city council? No. He ended up going to jail after being convicted on the racketeering charges...

  2. "Time for one of ours!!" The campaign slogan of the communist. Says a lot. And whitey don't try to do the same.

  3. I thought Trump could lead white people back,but he's too worried about getting re-elected.Who else?Steve King?Not enough charisma,I suppose.Maybe a Trump 2nd term could provide much needed help for whites.We need a national organization to represent us--and don't tell me its Congress or big business.Why shouldn't we?Whites will be minorities soon.Why wait for that to take place (plus the increased violence and discrimination we will undoubtedly have to endure,as the "new majority" of blacks and Mex take over all area of government and society).We have to insure OUR futures,like the other ethnic groups have for years.What individual could take the heat and accusations of white supremacy that will be leveled at him (her?)and its members.
    This is serious stuff.Whites are whistling past their own graveyard.

    ---GR Anonymous

  4. The best choice would be someone like a Pat Buchanan--but 40 years younger.Is there a Pat Jr?

  5. jerry pdx
    This Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is pretty fair skinned, probably has more European genes than any other, yet here she is a "person of color" and being considered non white by her voters. Then take a look at how Jarrod Ramos is being perceived, I've been looking at various pictures of him and like Cortez, is one of those fair skinned Hispanics that is more white than not, though can look more ethnic or more white depending on lighting conditions of photos or how they dress and wear their hair.
    Guarantee, in the eyes of the media, anybody on the left of the political spectrum Mr. Ramos is WHITE! That's because Mr. Ramos is a "bad guy". Yet, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is not because she is an "achiever". We know the game here folks, what side of the color line you fall on can be based purely on perception colored by racist and political bias.
    If they can change race on even more definitively non whites like George Zimmerman or Chris Harper Mercer (the black white supremacist), they will definitely do it with more ambiguous people.

  6. jerry pdx
    We have had the "honor and privilege" of having a former President, Jimmy Carter, visit our fair city:
    I heard something about it and wandered down to Powell's book store where he was signing books but the line was a mile long, there was no way to get to him unless I wanted to stand in line for hours. I did have something to say to him but settled for posting this comment in the Oregonian article about his visit:

    Open letter to Jimmy: Hey Jimmy, while you're here in the Pacific Northwest, pay a visit to the family of Mia Zapata, she was a 27 yr. old musician from Seattle who was raped and murdered in 1993 by Jesus Mezquia, one of your "dreamers" from that boatlift of over 100,000 Cuban men in 1980. Let her family know just how sorry you feel about her murder, and you can tell them it's all for best because all those men contributed so many wonderful things to America and it was all in service of that all important ideal of "diversity". How 'bout it Jimmy? Maybe they'll feel better if you talk to them.

    Imagine if Carter were President today, he'd be worse than Hillary and Obama combined, without a doubt he'd be an open borders fanatic. Heck, he was open borders and pro mass migration from the 3rd world before it was cool! He's 89 now so hasn't got long for the world, I won't miss him when he's gone.

  7. He was 89,four years ago,Jerry.Most ex-presidents live to a ripe old age nowadays.He may have 3 or 4 more years,unless his brain cancer(that an experimental gene therapy cured)comes back.You may have another chance at his NEXT book signing--in 2022 or later... lol.
    ---GR Anonymous

  8. Question:How is Trump going to get a Supreme Ct justice approved,when two female Republican senators are against any candidate who would take down Roe v Wade?
    --GR Anonymous

  9. jerry pdx
    You're right, he's 93, the article said he was 89 yrs. old the last time he visited, I was skimming and didn't register it.
    I'm being excoriated for my comments about Carter in the Big O's comment field, I've got 7 thumbs down and 3 thumbs up. When the thumbs down outnumber the thumbs up that much, you know you're doing something right. Various people have expressed distaste for my comment, but hey, it's the absolute truth, but these PC ideologues can't handle that so resort to mindless attacks.

    The whole Cuban "boatlift" fiasco is worth a revisit I think. I remember it well, media was playing the same game it does now with these mass invasions, the boats were filled with young men and the camera's would zoom into the few women and children aboard. Many of those men were criminals, lunatics from insane asylums Castro cleared out or homosexuals. I recall the gay community got into the act when they heard there were potential sex partners for them, they were crying about how they had to support their "brothers" coming to America. Lying bastards were just hoping to get laid.

    The US has a policy of granting asylum to Cuban escapees, though it's a little more complicated than that. Interestingly, Obama ended that policy. At least Obama has done something right. i remember when this happened and even though I was only 20 at the time, I knew Castro was up to something (why didn't Carter?), the first clue was that Castro was releasing 3500 "political prisoners" to the US and that raised a red flag because what a political prisoner is can be very subjective (is rape a political crime in Cuba?). This ended up steamrolling into over 100,000 people, mostly young men, a lot of whom were dregs of Cuban society Castro wanted to dump on the US. Thanks to Cuban activists and Carter cheerleading for this travesty the boatlift succeeded in bringing them over to the US, as information came out that it was just a bunch of dudes, with plenty of scum of the earth, the US started intercepting the boats and turning them back. The wiki article claims that most of the men had "blue collar" skills that meshed perfectly with construction needs in Miami at the time, if true, which I doubt, it seems awful labor, union busting workers who don't care about benefits...Who was really behind this boatlift?
    I recall reading about a wave of crime that happened after these scumbags were released into society. Mia Zapata was murdered years later and one has to wonder how many women Jesus Mezquia raped and murdered in the 13 intervening years of that crime, one has to wonder how many other women were raped and murdered by the "rapefugees", before the word got coined. Oh before I forget, thanks again Jimmy for helping bringing the joys of diversity to our country.

  10. jerry pdx
    One more thought re Cubans, Florida, etc.... Anybody see the recent articles about how life in Florida is the worst in the US? The article cites traffic, overcrowding and various other PC things to complain about but I had a friend that lived there for a while and he told me about the large numbers of Cubans and Caribbean people that migrate to Florida, wonderful places like Jamaica and other Central/South American countries. That's what makes living there hellish, at least if you're poor or middle class, if you're rich I suppose it's cool because you can live in the gated community with a private beach. None of those articles about the "worst" states will mention a connection between race and lower quality of life. So yeah, imagine Florida without negro's, Cubans and latino's, I imagine it would be paradise. Ah, the wonders of diversity...

  11. Been wondering what it's going to take for whites to go into a counter-offensive against what minorities are accomplishing against us.Liberal white minds will have to be changed as well as the patriot types,by a life-altering event.Will it be riots,an assassination of Trump?I have my doubts.The event would need to be something that changes the perception of most whites for a considerable length of time.Maybe the minorities,with a racist black President giving the orders,decide to round us up and deposit us in those "concentration camps" that the "chillen" are using right now near the border.That would do the trick.The socialists would not be able to resist that ironic act of revenge against whitey.This would be followed by forcing us to work to support their decaying welfare system,of which they'd feed off like leeches.By that time,it will be much too late for most Caucasians.
    --GR Anonymous
