Friday, June 15, 2018

Street Action: Tyrone Didn’t See that Coming!



By An Old Friend



  1. Just gotta love basic physics: 250 lb cop moving at ~ 15 mph hitting 90 lb stationary moron.

  2. Police can't defend themselves against black thugs.Automatic lawsuit with a black jury=black lotto. (I'm only being slightly facetious).Great move by the cop who took the p.o, out like he did.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. How those people fight with the police. And want to. Just cooperate and go along and you will be OK. Guess those two thugs did not have "the talk".

  4. It's the police that are afraid. The police are shot, murdered, beaten, suspended, fired, jailed, injured so bad that routine traffic stops don't seem worth it. Blacks win as in Killadelphia.

  5. Here's a vid of a light skinned blackie/mex? fighting black employees at a health club in Grand Rapids.I'm glad I never joined that one.

  6. By the way,"Happy Father's Day" from Lesta Holt--to all you black dads out there.He had a segment on tonights NNN,asking,"What do you like about your dad?"
    Six of the first seven kids (chillen)they put on TV to respond were blacks.Nice they still asked one white kid what she thought.Except for Trump,I almost forget what a white person looks like on Negro Nightly News,

    --GR Anonymous

  7. What? You mean the six black kids actually knew who their father was?

  8. Nahh,obviously fake news.
    But that's what Lesta Holt likes to portray--that blacks are a crimeless bunch,great assets of society,while whites are shown as serial killers,wanted prison escapees etc.White cops are crooked,black thugs misunderstood and overjailed.Individual black crime is not shown on NNN.Not a shooting in Chicago,Baltimore or Grand Rapids makes the Negro Nightly News.White killing,black drug dealers never appear.You won't see Kellen Winslow on NNN.
    Dey's all
    inn-O-cent in Lesta's world,or the crimes are ignored entirely.Whites are presumed guilty.
    Fake fuc*ing news.
