Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Portlanders Lash Out at WRONG Egyptian Food Cart Vendor Following Assault

By Reader-Researcher R.C.

At Gateway Pundit.

Parochial ignoramuses.


  1. How dumb and stupid are the so called protesters? Very dumb!! Welcome Mr. Egyptian. They don't do things here like they do in the old country.

  2. jerry pdx
    I work directly across the street from the food pod where this happened. I've never eaten at the Egyptian food carts though, I generally favor Mexican food or regular American burgers, I saw some of the protestors in front of the wrong cart though, at the time I didn't realize what was going on, I wish I had, it would have been interesting to have told them they were at the wrong cart and see their expressions. I doubt it would have much effect though, my experience with these idiots is that they feel no guilt whatsoever when they have falsely accused someone.

  3. jerry pdx
    Spotted this one on Foxnews but it's a repost from ABC Action News. The title is lurid and misleading: Community responds after viral video of woman's racist rant at a Lutz nail salon

    Watch the video and listen to the supposed "racist" rant. The woman says nothing about anybody's ethnicity or race, she only questions the language skills and that somebody would come to another country and not bother to learn the language, maybe she's still being a little insensitive but she also could have a legitimate complaint about not being able to negotiate a service with somebody that can't communicate. Most of the video she's having a perfectly civil conversation with the woman, there's just one part where she gets a little agitated about not being able to communicate. Much ado about nothing but you could say that about 99% of these supposed racist incidents.

  4. Shines are just so damn dumb.
