Monday, June 18, 2018

Help Spread the Word; Support WEJB/NSU!

Here’s a scenario for a dystopian novel.

A blogger sits all day at his pc, thinking that—based on his Google (Blogger) hit counter—he is wildly popular, when in reality nobody reads him except for his minders at places like Google and the National Security Agency.

That’s not my lot in life… yet.

I know people read me, because some of them keep sending me articles, posting messages and letters, in response to them, and … money!

Contributions are more plentiful than ever, and I don’t think Google can fake that, especially considering that many readers remain regular donors, even as new ones join them.

However, Google is a major problem.

Many of you will have seen pleas at other right-of-center blogs, asking you to spread the word to friends and relatives, and on discussion threads hin and yon. I have the same request, and for the same reason: Google’s sabotage.

Google is reportedly the world’s most powerful corporation. It claims to be in the information business, but it’s really in the business of squelching true information, and spreading disinformation, i.e., fake news.

It keeps cleansing its front pages (under various keywords) of my blog items, forcing me to devote hours each day to search engine gimmicks, which don’t get me nearly as many readers as I got a few years ago without any tricks.

So, please keep the money coming, and keep spreading the word.

Just hit the PayPal “Donate” tab at the top of the page, and give as much as you can.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix

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