Monday, May 14, 2018

Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak is One Smart Cookie: If Only the Racist Left Took Its Irony and Decency Supplements!


Pat Sajak in an undated but probably recent picture

By Nicholas Stix


About 20 years ago, Pat Sajak tried his hand at being a late-night talk show host. He was good, better than any of the current crop, yet he failed. That’s because:

1. The standards were much higher, with competition from the likes of Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien, and the not yet corrupted David Letterman;
2. He is a master of droll understatement; and
3. He was unlucky. As Keith “Mex” Hernandez always says, “It’s better to be lucky than good.”

Why do I suspect that Sajak has every album of Bob Newhart’s?

A tip ‘o the hate to Independent Minute.

"Alexa, turn on CNN. I want to hear the news." "You'll have to pick one or the other."
7:32 PM - 6 Jul 2017

Pat Sajak
✔ @patsajak

Almost had embarrassing moment tonight. Went to restaurant men's room and got ready to wash my hands. Luckily, I saw the sign, "Employees must wash hands" before I started. Close call!
10:10 PM - Mar 14, 2018

Pat Sajak
✔ @patsajak

Enjoying the new PC College Dictionary, listing all the words and phrases acceptable on today’s modern campus. It’s interesting, informative, and—at just under 3 pages—a quick read.
10:44 AM - Apr 17, 2018


  1. jerry pdx
    I sent this message about a month ago but I think it bears a repost since it's about Pat Sajak and has more of his tweets tweaking political correctness run amok.

    Wheel of Fortune host, Pat Sajak, who I never thought of as a particularly deep thinker, reveals himself to be a clever satirist of PC ideology:
    With just a few tweets he skewers PC sacred cows in a way that lampoons without opening himself up for attack, a fine line that can be difficult for some people to not cross. I watch Jeopardy then WOF for the challenge of the puzzles and to see one of my favorite cougars, Vanna White, who still has it despite advancing age, but apparently there is more to Mr. Sajak than his goofy persona on the show suggests so I will watch him now with the respect due to someone who is not just another brain dead Hollywood PC drone.

  2. Pat reminds me a lot of his hero,Jack Paar.He's even starting to look like him somewhat as he's gotten older.I totally agree--the guy is very funny and should have had a successful nightly talk show--but to demonstrate how smart he REALLY is,he decided to stick to hosting WOF for 10 mill a year--with no pressure to perform or get high ratings(Wheel auutomatically gets those)and live the easy life.
    The only one who has it easier is Vanna White.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. I’m pretty sure Pat had a column at least for a little while on a conservative news website. World Net Daily maybe?
