Thursday, May 10, 2018

This is Not a Gay Blog, or a Blog for Sexual Psychopaths, Communists, Feminists, Black Supremacists, Reconquistas, or Moslems, and Yet This Blog is Absolutely Tolerant!

I absolutely tolerate, what I tolerate, and I love what and whom I love.

I’m an American, and that is my birthright.

If you think likewise, please hit the PayPal Donate button at the top, and make a generous contribution to WEJB/NSU. But if you think differently... I’ll still take your danged money!

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix


  1. Golly. That anyone would think as does Nicholas. Golly.

  2. jerry pdx
    Negro serial sucker puncher on a "random" rampage in PDX!
    Lewis Ellis, a 46 yr. old black man punches 5 white women in their heads in downtown Portland:
    Ellis has a long criminal history and had done this at least once before to another woman, Laurie Reilling:

    Ms. Reilling actually defends him, believe it or not. This from the article:

    "FOX 12 spoke with Laurie Relling, the woman who was assaulted three years ago. She said Ellis was angry when he randomly hit her in the eye, causing her permanent damage".

    “He was very angry, and we had not made eye contact at all. He was angry in his head. To me, it was clear he was mentally ill," Relling said. "He punched me in the eye and caused some permanent damage to my eye, and he was yelling. When he punched me, it caused the sack to separate from the back of my eye, although my vision is fine, I’ll always have floaters and some light distortion. It’s 3 years later and I’m still experiencing that. As far as the gentleman goes, I’m sorry he hurt other people, but he’s ill. He doesn’t have the capacity for judgment in my opinion."

    "Relling said this incident pointed to a much larger mental health problem. She hopes Ellis can get the help he needs. She said prison is clearly not the answer" (something tells me this guy is beyond help).

    So what would you recommend Ms. Reilling? Let him loose on the streets until he finally kills someone? An insane asylum? OK, maybe that's where he belongs but then say so, don't leave it hanging.
    I have no doubt Ms. Reilling wouldn't be saying that if he were a white man. There's only one more thing more inevitable than death or taxes, that's white women who automatically defend and excuse racist violent negro males. As for whether he's really insane or not, he's at least mentally lucid enough to select only white women as his targets, that doesn't sound "random" or too off the deep end irrational to me.

    There's a bit of an amusing twist to this story that one of his victims was a certain felonious circuit court judge named, Monica Herranz. You may recall a year or so ago I sent the story about how a judge helped an illegal escape ICE by letting him out a judge's only back door. Somehow, in a twist of karma that very judge was "randomly" assaulted by one of her diversity crew. Yes, it would have been better if it were an illegal but I have no doubt her consideration toward hispanic men extends to negro males also.
    I thought for a moment maybe he deserves a medal instead of jail time for smacking Herranz but unfortunately he had no idea she was that notorious judge, all he saw was an attractive looking white woman and lashed out violently in that way negro's often do.
