Wednesday, May 16, 2018

See This Choice Video of When a Member of the “Royal Family” of the Murderous, Racial Supremacist Nation of Islam Gets Caught Speeding, then Race-Baits the White Cop Who Stops Her, Who Has the Patience of Job

Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 11:02:00 P.M. EDT
By Jerry PDX

Black NJ school board member gets stopped for speeding and goes through every black victim fetish cliché, while polite professional cop records the whole performance:

Her name is Stephanie Lawson-Muhammad and she is married to the great-grandson of Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad. No surprise, she is rabidly racist. First, she tries to use her school board status to manipulate the cop, then begins to sob and cry pretending to be "afraid" because cops "hurt black people," then when the cop asks if he should call an ambulance, she quickly switches into attack mode using profanity and more threats, forgetting she's supposed to be a traumatized victim. She continues to flip back and forth between modes, giving a truly Oscar-worthy performance. This is one black I think might actually be deserving of an Academy Award.

The piece de resistance was Ms. Lawson-Muhammad calling the police chief a "skinhead." Her daughter is with her in the car but eventually exits to get to school. One can see how negro children are indoctrinated into this victim ideology from childhood.

One could almost imagine the lies Ms. Lawson-Muhammad would have spun about the incident, if it hadn't been recorded. What they should have done was not release the recording and let Ms. Lawson-Muhammad go public with her contrived fairy tale, and wait for racist blacks and their white SJW lackeys to go through their contortions of outrage, then spring the recording.

Here is an abbreviated version of the incident on Youtube:

School Board Member Calls Police Chief a “Skinhead” over a Speeding Ticket


mooogg 2 hours ago
This is why I'm not a cop, because after dealing with a**holes like this lady. All my reports would end with the phrase "thats when I shot her."

At Fox News.


  1. she once again proves that no matter how educated they can become they are still reggin's.

  2. Good he had the camera going - she would have lied about the entire interaction. The crying was an attempt to get the ticket ripped up.
