Thursday, May 31, 2018

More on "Conservatives are Worse than Worthless, Chap. MMMMMCCCLXXXIV, on Reforming the Antiversity"

By Nicholas Stix

[Re: “Conservatives are Worse than Worthless, Chap. MMMMMCCCLXXXIV, on Reforming the Antiversity.”]
This would have been a perfectly good talk to give in… 1998.

Note that not only did Peter Berkowitz bring up rape (as I previously mentioned) in a pandering, cowardly fashion, but he even mentioned “sexual harassment,” as if this were a real problem facing coeds from men, rather than the wave of hoaxes that it really is, including floating definitions, whereby any baseless statement a coed or an off-campus feminist makes (e.g., a man makes them “uncomfortable,” as NPR feminists got away with, in getting on-air personalities Jonathan Schwartz and Leonard Lopate fired) against any man boss, colleague, or subordinate automatically gets the man fired.

You can never win, if you play under rules of engagement that your enemy sets for you.

Peter Berkowitz:

“Yes, words wound. Children learn that from experience. History teaches, however, that beyond certain narrow exceptions—such as true threats, direct and immediate incitement to violence, defamation, and sexual harassment—the costs of regulating speech greatly exceed the benefits. One cost is that regulating speech disposes majorities to ban opinions that differ from their own….

“Due Process Denigrated

“The curtailing of free speech on campus has not occurred in a vacuum. It is closely connected to the denial of due process in disciplinary proceedings dealing with allegations of sexual misconduct. Both suppose that little is to be gained from listening to the other side. Both rest on the conceit of infallibility.

“Campus practices, for example, can presume guilt by designating accusers as ‘victims’ and those accused as ‘perpetrators.’ Universities sometimes deprive the accused of full knowledge of the charges and evidence and of access to counsel. It is typical for them to use the lowest standard of proof—a preponderance of the evidence—despite the gravity of allegations. In many instances, universities withhold exculpatory evidence and prevent the accused from presenting what exculpatory evidence is available; they deny the accused the right to cross-examine witnesses, even indirectly; and they allow unsuccessful complainants to appeal, effectively exposing the accused to double jeopardy. To achieve their preferred outcomes in disciplinary hearings and grievance procedures, universities have even been known to flout their own published rules and regulations.

“There is, of course, no room for sexual harassment on campus or anywhere else. Predators must be stopped. Sexual assault is a heinous crime.”

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