Saturday, May 12, 2018

I Smell a Noose Hoax, a News Hoax! Mixed-Race Riverside Family Allegedly Threatened by Noose, Rocks

By Reader-Researcher R.C.

Mixed-Race Riverside Family Allegedly Threatened By Noose, Rocks

"Definitely targeted," said Jessica Paxton, "It's not a coincidence that he hung it on Martin Luther King Jr. day."

R.C.: She lives with her parents and her half-breed kids, but where is the baby daddy?

Yet another example of pump-and-dump?

N.S.: The reporter/editor tries to make it seem as if a married couple lives in the “victimized” house.

“Definitely targeted,” said Jessica, “It’s not a coincidence that he hung it on Martin Luther King Jr. day.”


She lives in the home with her husband Gregg, their daughter Jessica and her five mixed-race children who are half-black and half-white.
They quote Jessica, break to commercial and another video, and then come back, “She lives in the home with her husband Gregg, their daughter Jessica…” But the only “she” is Gregg Paxton’s daughter, Jessica. There is no sign of any wife (just as there is no sign of any husband, as R.C. pointed out).

Apparently, Gregg Paxton is either divorced, widowed, or never married, and his daughter Jessica is a five-times unwed mother, but the operatives at CBSLA seek to fool viewers and readers into thinking that at least one married couple lives at the house.

Another note on dishonest language: “Security cameras captured the skull and noose literally aimed at the backyard of Gregg and Jessica Paxton.”

A skull and noose are not weapons; thus, you cannot “aim” them at anything or anyone. The operatives at CBSLA then double down on their dishonesty, by abusing “literally,” the most abused word du jour.

This is not illiteracy, as is often the case with the use of “literally,” but dishonesty. They know they misrepresented the issue of the skull and the noose, so they give it extra emphasis through the dishonest use of “literally.”

We also have no idea if Miss Paxton’s assertions about the rocks are true.

The CBSLA operatives take a perfectly understandable act by the neighbor, and present it with a sinister undertone.

Unnerving, the same time they put up their security camera and lights, Lehman did the same — and his camera is pointed directly at their backyard.
Why is it positive for the father and daughter to point a security camera at their neighbor’s backyard, but somehow an act of violence for the neighbor to do likewise?

If the father and daughter are innocent victims, they have nothing to fear from the neighbor’s camera, but if they are hoaxers, they have a lot to fear from it.

Finally, the CBSLA crew says nothing about the prevalence of noose hoaxes around the country for several years now.

Mixed-Race Riverside Family Allegedly Threatened By Noose, Rocks
May 12, 2018 at 6:10 p.m.

RIVERSIDE (CBSLA) — A mixed-race Riverside family says a neighbor has been harassing them with rocks and a noose.

Security cameras captured the skull and noose literally aimed at the backyard of Gregg and Jessica Paxton.

“Definitely targeted,” said Jessica, “It’s not a coincidence that he hung it on Martin Luther King Jr. day.”


She lives in the home with her husband Gregg, their daughter Jessica and her five mixed-race children who are half-black and half-white.
Jessica said her children couldn’t help but see the noose.

“They saw the noose. He threw a tennis ball at my two little boys’ head on Martin Luther King day. They’re well aware. They’re scared. We don’t come in our backyard,” she said.

The Paxtons have a restraining order against the neighbor they have never met.

Levi Lehman is facing a criminal charge for the noose.

After several incidents with Lehman, police suggested they install a security camera.

The rocks, the noose, the timing of it — they are sure they’re dealing with hate.

“It seem racially motivated for sure,” says Jessica. “It’s scary that it’s happening in my own back yard.

In December, she says rocks started flying — into their pool, onto the house, one through a window.

“The rock had landed on my son’s bed and he refuses to sleep in his bed now since December. He is scared to death,” Jessica said.

Unnerving, the same time they put up their security camera and lights, Lehman did the same — and his camera is pointed directly at their backyard.

[CBSLA reporter Greg] Mills asked Jessica ad [sic] Gregg about the emotional toll the hate is taking on their family.

“I can’t even begin to describe,” she said, “It’s hard.”

“It’s just the craziness of it all. It’s just really bizarre what’s happened,” says Gregg.

The Paxtons say they have been to court five times and Lehman is always a no-show.


  1. The Baby Daddy has been chucking the rocks. He got the idea from the Three Stooges short about the mystery pie-thrower.

  2. Five mixed race kids probably by five different men.

  3. There's at least two maybe three of these stories all about how blacks are victims of whites. They include cell phone videos's, after the blacks initiate an altercation with a white person, they video the reaction they want and post it online. How come there's never any video tapes of what the blacks do? Why is their bad behavior always explained away?
