Thursday, May 24, 2018

A New Dust Bowl? The Worst Drought to Hit the Southwest in Decades Continues to Grow even Worse...

By A Texas Reader

At End of the American Dream.

Anasazi - Home | Santa Fe Institute

New York Times Company, The New York Times August 20, 1996, Tuesday, Late Edition - Final Section C; Page 1; Column 3; Science Desk


  1. The New Toilet Bowl--Starbucks (great idea,idiots).
    --GR Anonymous

  2. The author must be ignorant of New Mexican weather. He writes that the drought is so bad and summer won't even start for two months--as if summer would make things worse. No, July and August are the wettest months in New Mexico--that is the monsoon season. And of course the comments blame drought on global warming--ignoring that the dustbowl happened in the 30's. As for California's problems--they suffer from a population explosion caused by immigration--much of it illegal. And they suffer from leftist voters and politicians who squander billions on a light rail system and neglect to spend any money building new reservoirs to hold the water from winter storms. Can't fix stupid, but it is high time for a moratorium on all immigration--legal and illegal--we already have more stupid leftists than we need--no need to import more future Democrats.
