Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Attorney-Client Privilege, RIP (for Certain People): The Lefty U.S. District Judge Who Ordered Trump’s Lawyer Michael Cohen to Identify Sean Hannity Had Officiated at Billionaire George Soros’ Wedding in 2013


Federal Judge Kimba Wood is now 74, but when she was 22, she trained to be a Playboy bunny, and when she was 51, and was Bill Clinton’s choice for Attorney General, she was considered the hottest judge on the federal bench. (She bowed out of consideration, because she had hired an illegal nanny.)

By Reader-Researcher R.C.

No Joke: Judge Who Forced Cohen to ID Hannity Performed Soros Wedding

Leftists stripping away attorney-client privilege.


Evil George Soros


  1. You have to wonder whether they realize how pathetically, nay desperately, incestuous they look.

  2. I think Kimba was more than just a Playboy bunny. Danced too. One step to prostitution if a drug habit present.
