Thursday, March 22, 2018

Video: Passengers Aboard Phoenix-to-Dallas Greyhound Bus Mutiny, as Black Female Driver was Falling Asleep at the Wheel



By A Texas Reader

CBS News
Published on Mar 22, 2018

“A passenger mutiny onboard a Greyhound bus bound for Dallas forced a driver out from behind the wheel. Terrified passengers say that driver was falling asleep and it led to a confrontation caught on video. CBS Dallas/Fort Worth's J.D. Miles reports.”


Mutiny on Greyhound Bus to Dallas as Driver was Falling Asleep
Terrified passengers say that driver was falling asleep and it led to a confrontation caught on video.

“A confrontation happened while passengers said the bus was still moving and the driver stood up to argue with them.

“Passengers said they got a Border Patrol escort to a safe location where Greyhound replaced the driver.”

The passengers arrived in Dallas seven hours late.

1 comment:

  1. Love how Lanesha puts all the blame on the Federal government. It is the Federal Affirmative Action that put all those passengers in danger.
