Sunday, March 25, 2018

Adjectives, too, are Subject to Affirmative Action Guidelines



By Reader-Researcher R.C.

She's [Michelle “Obama”] just another black who lived in public housing.

“Amy Sherald is an African-American artist known for her unique style, and her portraits tend to underscore themes of social justice. She often paints black skin tones in gray as a way to take away the assigned ‘color’ of her”

Smithsonian Moves Michelle Obama Portrait Due to ‘High Volume of Visitors’

"Michelle Obama was so popular she needed more space. The distinctive Amy Sherald painting of the former first lady, unveiled at the Smithsonian's National Portrait ..."

N.S.: “Unique style”; “The distinctive Amy Sherald painting”…

Isn’t every artist supposed to have a unique style, and do distinctive work? The unwitting, subliminal message is that Amy Sherald is a black, female incompetent.

And throwing in “assigned ‘color’” guaranteed her raves from allied media operatives whom she feared might otherwise have ignored her, though I can't see why they would have.


  1. Ahhh "art".How to turn Aunt Esther(Michelle Obama)into Beyonce.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. LOCAL
    Unrest intensifies in Sacramento over police killing of unarmed Stephon Clark
    MAR 24, 2018

    Unrest intensifies in Sacramento over police killing of unarmed Stephon Clark
    People protest the police killing of Stephon Clark in Sacramento. Protesters briefly closed down Interstate 5 in both directions. (Associated Press)

    Angry protests continued into the wee hours Saturday morning on the streets of Sacramento over the shooting of an unarmed African American man by police.

    Protests began Friday at the state Capitol and continued into the streets of downtown, with marchers briefly blocking both lanes of traffic on Interstate 5. Demonstrators and police officers clashed in south Sacramento on Friday night, and video showed protesters surrounding, kicking and climbing on top of a police car. Another video from early Saturday morning showed a tense standoff between protesters and a line of police in riot gear.

    It was the latest in a week of unrest over the death of Stephon Clark, who was shot at 20 times by police in the backyard of the home where he lived with his grandparents. Police said they believed he had a gun, but authorities recovered only a cellphone near his body.

    Former classmates Chrishayla Treadwell, 23, and Dominique Rodriguez, 22, took the day off from their jobs as healthcare workers to join the demonstration. They wore black shirts with Clark's photo and bold, red block lettering that read, "Long Live Zoe."

    "We had to be here," Rodriguez said. "He was like family. It would be wrong if we weren't."

    Treadwell said she had been shocked and heartbroken to hear the news of Clark's killing.

    "He was always smiling," she said. "We never saw him mad."

    Elijah Johnson, 24, said he was disturbed to learn Clark had been killed in his own backyard, 15 minutes away from Johnson's home.

    "When you hear, you think, 'Man, that could have been me. That could have been my brother. That could have been my sister,' " he said. "You hurt."

    A petition circulating on the Color of Change website Friday demanded that Sacramento County Dist. Atty. Anne Marie Schubert bring charges against the officers who shot Clark.

    Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg was more reserved, saying the department should consider increasing its use of less-than-lethal weapons, but he did not fault the officers involved in Clark's shooting. He expressed concern about demonstrators resorting to vandalism or violence.
    GRA:Can you believe how blacks think(or don't think?)

  3. Part 2 of that article:
    Recordings released by the Police Department include a 911 call about a man in a black hoodie breaking car windows Sunday night.

    The man "busted both my truck windows out, and he's in people's backyards right now," the caller said.

    About 9:25 p.m., officers in a sheriff's helicopter spotted a man who they said had picked up a "toolbar" and broken a house window.

    Video from the helicopter appears to show Clark scaling a tall fence and peering into a vehicle before running into his own backyard.

    Shaky body cam footage shows officers running up a dark driveway. "Hey! Show me your hands! Stop! Stop!" one officer yells. They turn a corner and spot Clark in the glare of their flashlights, then take cover behind a building before confronting him once more and firing a barrage of bullets at him.
    GRA:The important paragraphs are toward the end of the article beginning with,"Recordings released by..."
    Running around,breaking car and house windows at night is a sign of mental instability (drugs?).What are cops supposed to do when a perp doesn't follow commands and has shown disregard for the law in their previous actions?
    But blacks don't understand that.
    One thing seems certain.Looks like we're ready for another edition of "Black Lottery"!!!
    --GR Anonymous

  4. jerry pdx
    Wow, a black artist paints people in generic colors and gets praised to high heaven for her groundbreaking innovative art style. Takes genius to think of that one. They look for any reasons to elevate black artists, writers etc... beyond what their actual talent level actually is.
    Anybody remember the cartoon series from the early 90's called "Doug"?
    It was on Nickelodean and I used to watch it with my kids, it was one of those cartoons I could actually enjoy because it was intelligently written and dealt with real situations. One of the gimmicks was that kids were drawn all different colors, they could be blue, grey, red, purple etc... so why aren't the writers and artists of that cartoon praised as innovators for coming up with such a novel idea? Let me guess, they weren't black.

    The message of the show was "color doesn't matter" and that probably did have an impact on young kids minds, the white ones anyways, I don't think it had any effect on negro kids, most of them still grew up racist.
